Warning: This tittie is bad

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Oct 26, 2006
This has been around for a while, but it never gets old:

That pic has gave me nightmares many times and I just had to post it because Jon's WF milestones and all.

I just had to disable all images to check this thread. I so do not need to see that again...
Yeah it's fake. Those wormlike thingies are actually a part of som sort of plant. Finding that out made me sleep well again after that shit haunted me for days when I first saw it.
Yeah it's fake. Those wormlike thingies are actually a part of som sort of plant. Finding that out made me sleep well again after that shit haunted me for days when I first saw it.
Ya, same here when I first saw this few years ago. I didn't want to spoil this, but yup, it's a fake and it is a plant if I remember right. This has been on many myth and fake photos websites. But I still can't look at the picture.. makes me feel sick..
Fuck! :mad: Now, there goes banging the slut at the office after the company holiday Christmas party. Since, I won't be getting an erection for the next two weeks.

Anyone got an affiliate link for Viagra?

I was just joking before you fuckers start spamming my inbox.
That shit was gross. Now, thinking of happy thoughts - two chicks blowing me at the same time :love-smiley-083: . Ahhh, much better. Anyone got a tissue? :rasta:

That pic was worthless.
stop posting this fucking shit guys you're ruining the WF atmosphere of perfect boobies and ass around here. Fuck this goatse-type bullshit, its so ghey. Almost fucking threw up, no joke. assholes...:thefinger:
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