WANTED: PHP Article Spinner Script

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Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Rating - 100%
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Hi all, I'm looking for an article spinner script in PHP. I haven't found anything open out there, so maybe someone has something or is willing to code it.

It would essentially be this:

function article_spinner($incoming_text, $strength=5, $rearrange_paragraphs=FALSE) { ... }

The function would take in $incoming_text, and return text of the spun article. I don't care if the article makes little/no sense - it just needs to pass the copyscape test.

The function would read words AND phrases from some sort of synonyms thesaurus/dictionary, and replace those words occasionally. The higher $strength is, the more often it would replace words ($strength = 5 is default, ranging from 1-10... 5 would be about a 50% spun article? Maybe someone has a suggestion on how much spinning is enough)

I would like to be able to add words to this dictionary/thesaurus, as well as remove my favorite keywords that I DON'T want changed.

If $rearrange_paragraphs is TRUE, it would like for paragraphs that are broken up by double line breaks, and flip a small amount of them.

I want the source code, but am totally fine if you re-use it or sell it to others. It's for my website's internal use only.

Would like price quotes and references or program examples. Will pay half up front. Upon picking someone, you'll get to work, and when you're ready, I'll give you an article to spin and you can run it and send it back. If it passes copyscape, I'll pay the rest and you deliver the PHP and it's mine to mess with from there.

Deadline would be end of August, sooner is better, but I'm not in a huge rush.

Please post here if you know of anything, and feel free to PM me.


'passes copyscape'

jeez. what a numbnut.

you want to 'pass copyscape', just fuck up every 3rd word. Or use a control code instead of a letter.

Why would you want this script anyway? What fucking use is it? It's not going to help you in the serps cos the gibberish you spit out will trigger the engines anti-markov filters, ob-fucking-ously.

Unless youre trying to come up with some sort of 'get yourself benned instantly' product. I can see a big market for that on WankerForum.
Honestly speaking, i think its better it you datapress it. the ferret it right. Its not going to give you SERPs. But if you need it for another script, then you know best.
'passes copyscape'

jeez. what a numbnut.

you want to 'pass copyscape', just fuck up every 3rd word. Or use a control code instead of a letter.

Why would you want this script anyway? What fucking use is it? It's not going to help you in the serps cos the gibberish you spit out will trigger the engines anti-markov filters, ob-fucking-ously.

Unless youre trying to come up with some sort of 'get yourself benned instantly' product. I can see a big market for that on WankerForum.

Good feedback. Thanks, I'll have to reconsider what I'm doing.

In my industry, a ton of stores use the same product descriptions, and I don't want to copy them anymore. Am looking for a good way to change up my products (nobody reads them on my site anyway)... but yes I guess this will crush me in the SERPs.

Will have to look into something else.
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