WANTED FOR HIRE: Article Spinner for 2 Months - 3 WP Blog Spins per day, Weekly Pay

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Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Rating - 100%
66   0   0
Hi all,

I have a 2 month project and am looking for an Article Spinner to do 3 daily spins. I'm looking for bids.

General job/content information:

- I will have an RSS feed aggregated, and you can randomly choose 3 articles a day.
- The articles will average 500 words. If we are spinning longer articles, you can either choose to skip that article and find something shorter, or just cut out paragraphs to make the article smaller.
- We are only spinning each of these three articles only once.
- Spreading the postings throughout the day would be nice.
- Copyscape should be at least 30% different. Rearranging paragraphs and non-keywords is fine... I'll allow you to be as creative as you like. You can also feel free to piss off my readers with opinionated articles here and there :)
- It needs to read decently well to an English reader. I'm not a stickler but it can't be embarrassing.


- I will pay weekly up front via PayPal.
- I reserve the right to cancel the contract after any week if I don't like what I get.

Technical stuff:
- It will be on a Wordpress blog, and submitting it yourself and posting a related image here and there would be a MAJOR plus
- Communication with me should be regular, through e-mail. I may sometimes ask to spin a certain article and toss in a certain keyword.
- I don't care if you have a team of different people do it, so long as it gets
- I own the content and can change it as I see fit (but probably won't).

Start Date:
- Sunday, Nov 8 would be nice.

- I'd like to see some samples you've already done.

- It's sports related, if that interests you any more.

Please send bids and samples to me via PM and we can begin e-mail dialogue.


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