Wanted: ~50 Shared Hosting Plans on Different C-Blocks


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Hi all,

Over the next year, I have an ambitious plan to launch about 50 websites. They will be powered by WordPress and will receive a max of 2000 uniques/day each, so shared hosting is fine.

I'd like them all to link into my main money site. Because of this, I want a lot of them to be on different C-classes so that the link love to my main money site is more powerful.

Does anyone know of a good solution for this?

I can get a bunch of different cheap shared hosting plans, but managing 25-50 accounts or whatever seems like a nightmare. I see some other plans here with multiple IPs, but they are for VPS and dedicated, which isn't necessary here, and they're probably on the same C class.

Thanks for any helps!

We offer over 100+ C-Class IP's, have superior load times, good bandwidth, and managed hosting. Whether shared/VPS/DEDI. I think we have what you are looking for. We offer some standard plans, but can also tailor them to your requirements. Plus we can beat just about anyone in pricing.

Feel free to hit me up with what you need in RAM/storage/IP/type of hosting and we'll take it from there.
We offer over 100+ C-Class IP's, have superior load times, good bandwidth, and managed hosting. Whether shared/VPS/DEDI. I think we have what you are looking for. We offer some standard plans, but can also tailor them to your requirements. Plus we can beat just about anyone in pricing.

Feel free to hit me up with what you need in RAM/storage/IP/type of hosting and we'll take it from there.

Cool, thanks. It'd be best to have shared hosting, I prefer working in LAMP but any *nix server is good.

For EACH site:
Bandwidth: 50GB up / month, 2GB down
Disk Space: 1GB
RAM: Whatever it takes to run WordPress with WP-Super-Cache and 2k uniques a day
1 IP Address on a Different C-Block
- Willing to pay extra for some sort of backup solution if available (interest in both in IP rollover if server crashes, and simple backup of database + content)

- Would like to be able to slowly add to the package, as I don't have 50 sites to launch now and it'll happen over time... perhaps discounting could graduate as I continue building, or something

Let me know what you think. I'll also PM you this.

- If you could send a few of your sites that are on your shared hosting so that I can look at uptimes, response times, traceroute, etc.. that'd be nice.

- Also interested in the location and what backbones you're on.

Cool, thanks. It'd be best to have shared hosting, I prefer working in LAMP but any *nix server is good.

For EACH site:
Bandwidth: 50GB up / month, 2GB down
Disk Space: 1GB
RAM: Whatever it takes to run WordPress with WP-Super-Cache and 2k uniques a day
1 IP Address on a Different C-Block
- Willing to pay extra for some sort of backup solution if available (interest in both in IP rollover if server crashes, and simple backup of database + content)

- Would like to be able to slowly add to the package, as I don't have 50 sites to launch now and it'll happen over time... perhaps discounting could graduate as I continue building, or something

Let me know what you think. I'll also PM you this.

- If you could send a few of your sites that are on your shared hosting so that I can look at uptimes, response times, traceroute, etc.. that'd be nice.

- Also interested in the location and what backbones you're on.


Sounds like It'd make more sense to just get a dedicated server from him with the unmetered 10mbit or unmetered 100mbit option (both of which would still be over the 2.5TB bandwidth you'd need for 50 sites @ 50GB up), and most dedi's come with at least 500GB. And there's no reason why he can't sign all the class-c ips to the single machine. You would just then need to have a backup solution for your data/etc (I recommend serversync.com)
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Sounds like It'd make more sense to just get a dedicated server from him with the unmetered 10mbit or unmetered 100mbit option (both of which would still be over the 2.5TB bandwidth you'd need for 50 sites @ 50GB up), and most dedi's come with at least 500GB. And there's no reason why he can't sign all the class-c ips to the single machine. You would just then need to have a backup solution for your data/etc (I recommend serversync.com)

That might actually make sense. Wow I just never considered myself pimp enough for dedicated. I could probably just start it with a VPS that allows me to get more IPs (Linode.com rules but their IP policies are strict)

Thing is, if I go with one dedi and it goes down, I'm in serious diaper land as each of these sites will be making monies (getting 50 quality relevant diverse backlinks to main site is just a nice side effect).
That might actually make sense. Wow I just never considered myself pimp enough for dedicated. I could probably just start it with a VPS that allows me to get more IPs (Linode.com rules but their IP policies are strict)

Thing is, if I go with one dedi and it goes down, I'm in serious diaper land as each of these sites will be making monies (getting 50 quality relevant diverse backlinks to main site is just a nice side effect).

? you're not going to find many VPSes especially mainstream ones like Linode thats going to be able to give you more than two class-c IPs.
Thing is, if I go with one dedi and it goes down, I'm in serious diaper land as each of these sites will be making monies (getting 50 quality relevant diverse backlinks to main site is just a nice side effect).

That is why you have back ups done daily, RAID I, and things of that nature if you are really concerned in that regard. Especially if you are mission critical (or at least think so) on your sites and business. Better to spend a few extra bucks.

Nothing can completely stop you from going down. But there are methods to keep you from being down for long. Protecting your data, and making sure you are taken care of.
? you're not going to find many VPSes especially mainstream ones like Linode thats going to be able to give you more than two class-c IPs.

True dat.

We do a lot of things other web hosting companies do not. They typically run their companies from a hosting mentality. They do not see the advantages to some other things out there.

I look at it from the webmaster perspective. Including 13 years of making money online through various niches and sites. Also from working the SEO angles, and linking strategies. I have a actually working application mindset from not only my own websites. But other consulting gigs I have done over the years for others.

It is not to say that one is more right. I just look at hosting a bit differently from my working knowledge as a webmaster. Using it as a tool in the arsenal so to speak.
barefootsies, are you the same guy that spams foot fetish porn all over the other forums?