Want your articles to go viral, just lie!


New member
May 31, 2011
Just been told about this site: Abril Uno

Their basic operating methodology is to create fake news stories and then spread through social media till they're outed as being fake.

This gives them the breaking news scoop every time.

Seems to be working well for them: Alexa at 39k.

Lying for the win!

447 people like Abril Uno.
Radio station just punk-d the country and it made national news that Beiber was moving somewhere and they were protesting it.


I very much enjoy the news update segments on SNL, as well as Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, because they make fun of actual news.

For some reason I don't enjoy the fake funny(?) news sites like The Onion, although it is somewhat amusing when genuine news agencies pick up a story from places like that and begin reporting them as fact - esp when the faux site clearly states that it's satire.

But I don't see the point in a website that just creates fake news articles that sound like they may be true. That's just like sitting on a throne of lies.

...although gotta give kudos for the traffic leak here, I guess. :-/
The Onion is the best at doing this, they even have a movie to their credit.