Want to get paid to learn online marketing?


New member
May 31, 2011
I have a feeling I'm going to get slammed with poorly written job applications from WAFO rejects but there's only one way to tell...

WANTED: Online marketing assistant

Would you like to get paid to learn the skills, techniques, and methods I used to make $XXX,XXX last year as an online marketer?

Good. Then read on.

No, I'm not selling an eBook on this shit or running some kind of 3 week bootcamp in an obsecure tax haven you can't pronounce the name of. I'm looking for someone to work for me for the next 2 years to teach everything I've learnt over the last 4 years whilst you work on my projects.


The job will eventually be all aspects of internet marketing. You'll be doing onsite SEO, outreach, link analysis and building, viral content development, outsourcing, training, article writing, SOP development, reporting, conversion rate optimisation, and everything in between.

Eventually... At the start, you'll just be doing one thing at a time (starting with SEO), mastering that, and then you'll be moving on to the next step.

The hours will be varied depending on how much work there is but there should be at least 20 hours per week to keep you going.

You won't have to work strict hours (start now and finish now) but you will have to get all you work done for the week and be online at least at some point in time in my work day (7am - 3pm Sydney, Australia) so we can talk.


The main requirement is that you're driven to be a master of online marketing. Not just good, fucking boss level (Think CEO Sam).

I'm not looking for someone who just wants to make enough to lie back on a beach drinking cocktails and hitting on waitresses that don't speak English. I want someone who wants to be the king of Internet Marketing.

Whilst knowledge of and experience in different marketing areas is useful, it's not necessary.

I'd much rather get someone with an excellent attitude and no idea what SE1 or SE2 is than someone who's mastered Duck Duck Go ranking but prefers to spend their afternoons curled up in a cum stained blanket in their mums basement, masturbating to goat porn.

I don't care if you don't know everything about online marketing, I care that you want to know everything and want to be great at it.

Oh, you also have to be a native English speaker.

One last thing, I want someone who's interested in spending the next 2 years or so learning. Don't worry, there'll be plenty of stuff to learn and to keep you going with in that time period but I want to make sure you don't run off once you've learnt one skill thinking that you're done and ready to be out on your own.


You get a fucking kickass training in most important areas of internet marketing. The combined revenue of all my online projects last year fell just short of $1mil and I did most of the work on most of them so I know what I'm talking about and I know it's up to date.

By the time you finish working for me, you'll be able to spot a niche, develop a strategy, and execute on that strategy like a mutha fucka. You'll have the knowledge, and more importantly, the experience to make fucking magic happen.

Pay will be negotiable based on skills and experience but it will be a paid job. Don't get your hopes up though... The pay won't be enough to retire on. The money's there so I don't feel guilty for yelling at you at 3am in the morning when you message me telling me the project you promised would be complete yesterday isn't finished yet. That's all.

If this sounds like something you're interested in, PM me with your email address and we can have a conversation about a few more of the little details.


I'd much rather get someone with an excellent attitude and no idea what SE1 or SE2 is than someone who's mastered Duck Duck Go ranking but prefers to spend their afternoons curled up in a cum stained blanket in their mums basement, masturbating to goat porn.

Count me out.
Well that seems to have done the trick:


I'll get to all of these on Monday so if I haven't replied yet, don't poop yourself. I'll get to it.
damn, this sounds like a great deal and I feel like I'd be a worthy candidate. Unfortunately, I can't send PMs yet. Am I going to piss off any mods if I just post my email in the thread?
I am very interested, also if site it is in men's lifestyle or dating niche than even better.
But I can't send PM to you. Same question, can I post my email? Or you can just send me PM with your email, that would be great too. Thank you.
ah, well, thanks for replying anyway. Great post re: commitment, too. Going to subscribe to that journal thread of yours.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this kinda sounds like spam to me.

You're right mate. I'm really a sophisticated spam bot that's been cultivating a complete journal consisting of my entire experience in online marketing over the last 4 years and waiting till I hit my 889th post to finally drop my spam bomb on the forum.

#outed #profit #missioncomplete