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Jul 11, 2006
Chicago, IL
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If you're interested in finally turning your advertising dollars into sales, then you've clicked on the right thread. We've recently redesigned College Downtime to create many more productive ad spots that will place your link, banner, or product in front of more than 1 million unique college students every single month.

The college demographic is arguably the most coveted age group in the advertising world, as they have proven time and time again to be the most productive. If you're tired of wasting your advertising dollars on sites that don't convert, then look no further than College Downtime. There's a reason why almost all of our clients keep renewing with us: they're making money!

Here are a few company stats for College Downtime LLC, as well as contact information! Thank you in advance, and we look forward to working with you!

PR 6
91,900 pages indexed on google
1,007,682 Unique visitors in June
Productive mainstream traffic

Contact us for more details:
Aim: CollegeDowntimeB
Msn: brian8133@hotmail.com

that had to be one of the most cluttered sites I have ever fukn seen, I alt tabbed back over to this site and I am still seeing that fukn white text and black background looking at my damn walls//// fuck that hurt my eyes
revlimiter said:
Very nice stats. Congrats on the success, man! I like the layout - it's unique and very good ad placement. Creative picture placement on this page and I'm sure JDA can agree :)

Yes. Yes, I do agree.
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