Wanna see my AdWords account?

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
...then help me present this Saturday at MinneBar.

I'm looking for someone else from the Twin Cities to co-pilot a seminar with me:

From Programming to Profit: Skills To Pay The Bills
Derrick Shields (WebproLeads)
Talented web developers and designers are often continually spinning their wheels, chasing projects that will never be successful, catch traction, or see the light of day. I'll discuss how to take yourself out of the 'Web 2.0' hype and begin providing services that consumers and businesses actually want and will pay for, including real-life examples of how our business changed after doing just that.​

This is basically a geek conference and the concept of affiliate marketing is probably pretty forum to them, however from what I've heard there is going to be a fairly large audience.

I'm looking for an internet marketer from the Twin Cities doing some decent volume. If you're doing at least $10k month in revenue - preferably more - hit me up and we'll see what we can put together.

What are the twin cities? I know I'm not from around there (obviously) but I still wanna know. LOL
I'm not the guy you're looking for... but I'll be back to the twin cities on friday... can I come to the seminar anyway?

Just checked it's free, I'm definitely thinking about coming.

EDIT: wait... weird. only participants can come?
Yea I read the rules, looks like you have to present or help out in some way. I sent them an email out of curiosity to see if there is anything I can do besides presenting. I'd like to come, but am in no way prepared to present something.


EDIT AGAIN: it looks like I can probably come anyway. It said people with something to present or THE DESIRE TO LEARN are welcome. If I do end up going i'll let you know and maybe see you there!

P.S. We can get back to the original topic now, sorry.
Wish I was in the cities then. Not making the 10k a month yet, but I'd certainly love to hit up my home streets. Hope the snow clears up by the time of the conference... WTF is up with that... snow in late april?
I can't freaking wait to finely move to TN. I'll be 2 days drive from (pretty much) anywhere east of the mountains, including this un-conference, which I would love to be a part of.
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