Wanna Have Some Fun?

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Here's a retarded PM I got.

It was too awesome to delete and forget about right off the bat, I mean, he obviously read the thread to some degree, and yet sent me this message because he still believes in Santa Claus I guess?

Figured some of you sickos would like to fuck with this one before he's quartered and banned sometime in the near future:

Username: elearning2
Subj: Hello! Regarding your post

I have seen your post at
and I wanted to ask you if you could send me some of the ebooks from stompernet. i have seen the post too late, and didn't have the chance to download them

I hope you will reply to this message, I would be forever grateful.

Best regards
P.S. maybe a ICQ / YM etc would be a choice to send them

Maybe its just me and my twisted way of thinking, but why couldn't this guy's mother be more responsible to the human race and just use that Abort Now card during her pregnancy with him?

Psh.. lightweights..

Holy shit... Another newbie that needs to be reamed out! Seriously the PM right after the one above had this:

Username: ArTsYwRiTeR
Subj: clarification

Hello. I do not know who to ask about my account. I can log in but I cannot post. Why would this be?

Can you please help me? Thanks.


My would be response: (I'm deleting it, let you guys have the fun with this one)


The fact that you can log in but cannot post is probably the universe's way of preventing you from doing anything really foolish. You'd be a lot safer with a nice tall glass of Clorox in the AM to get your day started. Its the breakfast of champions. Required too, before posting. Try it, you'll see!


PS - Clarification... You're an imbecile.
I lol'ed. At first I thought you were going to say "You'd be a lot safer with a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up", but clorox works too.
LOL, leave elearning2 alone!

Let's see what I can pull from my PM box:

Originally Posted by elearning2
hy there

I saw your post on
regarding what Vladi said, and I was wondering if I may ask you a question : you have to create several websites with fake business (like a fake name chinese restaurant), and after that get traffic to it and hope to get it ranked through first 10 searches on Google ?

I would really appreciate if you could answer to my question. I am just learning the SEO and I do hope you can help me.

Best regards

Originally Posted by m0rtal
Not exactly sure what you want from me. I'm not using this method but I'm pretty sure the steps are all outlined in that thread..

Originally Posted by elearning2
my question was wether i should make 10 websites with different businesses names, and the same domain of activity (like chinese restaurant), and after that just sell the sites to one person because he would have the first results in searches on google

i guess my biggest question is : do i show the buyer the site that is already on 1st rank, or tell him to check it out in 1 week when i have it on 1st rank..

i hope i made it more clear now. english is not my native language.

best regards, and thank you for your reply.

Originally Posted by m0rtal
Again, I am not doing this so I have no experience. But I think I get your question correctly now...

You're supposed to rank for "city/town" chinese restaurant so then you can sell it to any business. If you have more then you can sell it to multiple.

Not "business name" chinese restaurant.

Originally Posted by elearning2
thx for the reply. you are right:)

if you are not doing seo, may i ask what are you areas of interest?

all the best

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