Walmart Giftcard Offer (mobile)?

el matador

New member
Nov 13, 2009
Has anyone run or seen a WAP Walmart gift card offer? Looking to test one out, seems to be floating around. Advertiser or good source to run through? I can throw some traffic to it today. Just started looking.

What kind of traffic do you have? I have a source on gift card promos but they are pretty finicky.
@fm1234 - thanks. media buys. I'll PM u more info. @GrindHard - I'll reach out as well, let me login and peep ur deal.
hey el matador this is jp from Mundo Media again, another division of our company is Silver-Path and the Walmart WAP offer you see floating around belongs to us, you'll be able to promote it direct. Email me and i'll set you up! aim jpmundomedia