walmart 1% comission on games

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Success Depends on Focus
Dec 2, 2007
I was setting a friend up in aff marketing and came across this, are they on crack ? Walmart are only giving 1% on game sales ??? I used their aff program in the past and it wasn't that shit ! That is about .50 per sale.

I mean seriously are they try to close down the channel ?

I just got another bump on commissions for electronics/computers from walmart - took about 100k in sales to make happen though.

Their rates are pretty low across the board but the conversions are pretty decent.
electronics and accessories in general have low profit margins....especially at wal mart.
I'm not sure about that - we do promote a lot of walmart products. It's good for a few hundred a week with very little effort. I don't do games.... but I would imagine not many people shop walmart on-line for games anyway.

And if they do - the average order would suck (1 game, maybe 2). With pc's and electronics it's a much higher average ticket.

Sam fucking walton ya know cheif greybeard. built this company on low margins & high volume. That means you guys take the low margins not us. Let me guess you guys make jack shit in your affiliate division!?

wake up ya dumb fucks.
Walmart = Evil

I'm sure they see affiliates like the poor bastards that work for em, the kids in the sweatshops supplying them or the farmers forced to sell to them for fuck all. Pay them the bare minimum.
Thanks for all the responses, helpful to know I'm not insane.

Yeah, I personally use other programs although I haven't promoted much in the way of games specifically for a little while.

Walmart does have great prices and converts well. Their program USED to be good and games were insanely profitable for us.

Anyway, special shout out to stmadeveloper who was very helpful.

Lastly, I did get a response from their affiliate managers....

My email to after they told me 1% commission for video games:


Sorry, your response is not clear. Are you with linkshare or actually a
representative of Walmart ? And if not, how do affiliates communicate
directly with the Walmart affiliate managers.

I'm find it hard to believe that this is truly the policy for this merchant.
As I said, in the past, they paid 4%+ for Video Game products, for
electronics and other big ticket items, sure 1%, but, 1% for a $50 item is
somewhat absurd since we can generate more revenue by placing Adsense on an
empty page without the cost or benefit to Walmart of sending a $50 sale to a
merchant via PPC.

The assertion that over time Walmart may offer better terms isn't terribly
helpful, it would be nigh impossible for us to send any sales to Walmart for
0.50 ! What are our options regarding this, do they require a certain volume
for sane commissions ?

Thanks in advance,

And their response

Dear Publisher,

Thank you for your email!

WalMart has contracted Linkshare to manage their online affiliate marketing program, so any queries regarding their affiliate program are handled by Linkshare.

I understand you are unhappy with the commission amounts offered by WalMart, unfortunately they offer no other program levels for new affiliates. If you would like to check back at a later date, perhaps they will have altered their offer. But for now, this is the only program offered to new affiliates.

Thank you for contacting LinkShare!

W Ernst Publisher Support
Walmart = Evil

I'm sure they see affiliates like the poor bastards that work for em, the kids in the sweatshops supplying them or the farmers forced to sell to them for fuck all. Pay them the bare minimum.

"bububu Walmart am rich y aren't they giving me free monies?" :sleep:
For once I'm glad I live in the UK - we have one company that gives you 11% commission on games.

Sucks that the bigger companies seem to give shittier commissions though.
Wonder what would happen if they did the reverse. Bigger companies giving bigger commissions. But I guess they can't since they'll need to retain a higher percentage of the sale profits to keep their companies big and growing. That's the point of being big anyway. Being big enough to demand more from your suppliers & agents.
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