Walking on a rope over Niagara Falls...


King of the Jungle
Jul 3, 2007
Anyone going to check this out today? I kinda want to but they're expecting over 100k people so it sounds like a bit of a pain in the ass. It's kinda gay they're making him wear a safety harness but I have a feeling he's going to take it off half way to add to the drama.




that guy's a pussy compared to this dude: The Great Blondin, First Tightrope Walker to Cross Niagara Falls - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

For two summers, Blondin performed above the Niagara. During his subsequent performances, he crossed the Falls on a bicycle, on stilts, and at night. He swung by one arm, turned somersaults, and stood on his head on a chair. Once he pushed a stove in a wheelbarrow and cooked an omelet. On one occasion, he crossed blindfold in a heavy sack made of blankets. But his greatest feat was to carry a man across on his back. During his fifth exhibition, he persuaded his manager, Harry Colcord, to climb on his back and to hazard the long trip across the gorge. Colcord later described Blondin as "a piece of marble, eery muscle…tense and rigid."

At his last Niagara Falls performance, September 8th 1860, he sat a table balanced on the tightrope and ate cake and drank champagne.
Anyone going to check this out today? I kinda want to but they're expecting over 100k people so it sounds like a bit of a pain in the ass. It's kinda gay they're making him wear a safety harness but I have a feeling he's going to take it off half way to add to the drama.

It's not even above the falls, just water. Might as well be above any area of water.. and yeah.. wearing a harness.. Who cares?

Do some reading on this guy before you jump the gun. Not to mention that articles says his rope was an inch longer and only 50 feet high. Anyways, that's besides the point, I don't give a shit about some dude who cooked an egg when I wasn't alive.

Total pussy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iscKQiOkgaY]Nik Wallenda Newark NJ Oct 15 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
These guys rule:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZcafr5I-TA"]Flight of the Frenchies - I Believe I Can Fly - YouTube[/ame]
Thats sick, I dont think I could ever do anything like that. wouldn't he die if he fell off without a safety harness
The guy is badass and I'm not hating on him, but that safety harness was bullshit. I think it made the whole thing pointless and it's a slap in the face to any other daredevils. Nobody else had safety nets that guaranteed they weren't going to die. If ABC was too bothered of the possibility of someone dying they should of took the event to cable.
Can't even describe how pussydified is this compared to what Philippe Petit 40 years ago.

Can't even describe how pussydified is this compared to what Philippe Petit 40 years ago.


Too bad he's already got a permit for the Grand Canyon which will make this look like a joke. Not sure what's with all the hating. I'd think WF would be inspired by something like this...anyways, I ended up going but thanks to (stupidly) listening to my cousin we got there late and were pretty far so we could barely see him. Yet another reason I don't like relying on other people.
Too bad he's already got a permit for the Grand Canyon which will make this look like a joke. Not sure what's with all the hating. I'd think WF would be inspired by something like this...anyways, I ended up going but thanks to (stupidly) listening to my cousin we got there late and were pretty far so we could barely see him. Yet another reason I don't like relying on other people.

I'm curious, why are you so defensive about this? It was interesing sure, but your acting like it was the second coming of christ.
I watched it for a few minutes last night. Was somewhat interesting, but meh. The pole he was using was gigantic and attached around his neck. And the wire looked pretty thick. Seems like anybody could have done that.

Maybe he should have done it drunk, then it would have been more interesting.