VPS or Hybrid?


New member
May 14, 2009
Hi all. I've figured I need to upgrade my hosting. After reading around a bit I think wiredtree.com looks pretty good. I don't want to invest in a dedicated server yet.

Now, onto my question. What is the difference between a hybrid and a VPS?
I think I'm going to go with a VPS but what exactly does the hybrid do? what is the advantage?

Also, for my VPS what sort of specs should I choose? At the moment I'm not getting that much traffic, but my plan for the next months is to build authority sites within niches that get a couple of hundred thousand searches per month (the competition doesn't seem that stiff). If I'm successfull and run some ppc traffic to the sites as well, I might be looking at a couple of thousand visits per day per site.

So what sort of specs should I pick for the VPS if these are my goals in terms of traffic?

Also, what is WHMCS and LiteSpeed web server? Litespeed seems pretty sweet, is it worth 12 extrea bucks per month?

And finally, does anyone know if I can order additional c-class IP's if I order a vps from wiredtree?

If anyone has a host to suggest that is better than wiredtree (and not 100 + per month), then feel free to say that as well.

Hybrid vps have more dedicated resources and are hosted on powerful nodes than normal vps nodes.So the biggest difference is that they make your resources are dedicated ,in particular each Hybid have cpu cores reserved ,they also seem to offer twice the transfer allowance.
A VPS and Hybrid are the exact same things. Hybrid is just a marketing gimmick for a "large" VPS. For example, we put 8-12 containers on each node and that's a normal VPS. If we say, put 2-4 containers instead, they would have a lot more resources dedicated to them and we could (but wouldn't) use the marketing gimmick on our site.

WHMCS is a billing/support system for a hosting company, you don't need it. Litespeed is a web server, you don't need it, Apache is fine.
Subigo, I want to squeeze more out of my VPS. Will I get a benefit from switching from Apache to litespeed?
Subigo, I want to squeeze more out of my VPS. Will I get a benefit from switching from Apache to litespeed?

Litespeed is 2x3 times faster at serving plain static html files, but exactly the same when it comes to php/dynamic pages. For the price, I would stick with Apache (even if you mainly serve static pages). I haven't messed with Litespeed in quite a while, but the last time I did I wasn't very impressed.
Litespeed is 2x3 times faster at serving plain static html files, but exactly the same when it comes to php/dynamic pages. For the price, I would stick with Apache (even if you mainly serve static pages). I haven't messed with Litespeed in quite a while, but the last time I did I wasn't very impressed.

I would have to agree with subigo on Litespeed, Apache is definitely a better choice by far, I haven't worked with Litespeed recently, but from my previous experiences I would have to say Apache wins my personal preference and recommendations.