Votes for a friend


New member
Jun 20, 2008
2013 | The Reptile Report

Carolina Classic Dragons.

Can only vote once a day, its ip based but if you have a few proxies to use that would be awesome! (Please nothing super fishing like 1500 votes, 5 or so will do at a time)

Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!







voted twice for Classic Dragons.

I would send your link through a url forwarder... or link to a twitter post or something where we can click through to the contest URL. That way if they are tracking referral logs, it looks legit.

just an FYI: the Ty Park Nominee has posted in some forums and is joining some vote exchange sites to get some votes. They are currently in first place.

The Reptile Report – Ty Park | Get Online Votes
Lizard Breeder of the Year, vote for Ty Park! | Tegu Talk
I personally felt that Vital Exotics had a much better selection of pythons...jk but for Carolina anyway.
You could just automate the lot of course. ;)

Last time I rigged a vote online it just ended up as a battle of VPSs / PCs (clearly two other entries had help along the same lines). The finale ended with the TV company abandoning the competition. Oops.

It may work though? tee hee.

This is kind of funny. In early 2012 I was contemplating opening up a cricket/bug farm, none of the reptile food guy's dominate online traffic sources. Just a thought. I am blazed.
Thank you guys for the votes. Not sure of this is true or not, but someone claimed that Ty's son found an exploit. At one point I watched Ty gain over 500 votes in just a few mins. That is when I reached out for voting help.