Vote for Mike Hukabee

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Jun 26, 2006
Oceanside, CA
..... Or you might get roundhouse kicked right out of existence

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Any guy that will make strides toward eliminating the IRS is fine by me. I'm voting for whichever candidate is most likely to get elected that is also in favor of the Fair Tax. I don't care about any other issue this election.
Huckabee threatens to shoot voters that dont vote for him. He is a real charmer with that crazy eye of his.
If not Paul, atleast Huckabee supports flat tax and IRS abolishment.

If you support Ron Paul, put your money where your mouth is. They need it more than ever now.
have you seen chuck norris website? man that guy is extreme! i like how the republicans have gotten more extreme post-bush, you think it would go the other way. my predictions is who ever wins the democratic preselection, its going to be a landslide 55% win.
Ya Hucks a nut. He said that we would show the Iranians boat dudes the "gates of hell".

Christ dude lighten up. They were in fucking speedboats. They were speaking English asking you what you were doing.
Yeah, and the dickheads that blew up the USS Cole and killed 17 Americans were in speedboats also. I'm kind of amazed that we didn't blow those assholes out of the water!
Personally, I would love for my kids to trade in their science books for bibles. But maybe thats just me ;)
Yeah, and the dickheads that blew up the USS Cole and killed 17 Americans were in speedboats also. I'm kind of amazed that we didn't blow those assholes out of the water!

You sir are correct. Whats with the other post playing down the Iranian bullshit they were trying. If you speed in front of a US war vessel and lay down boxes in its path then you should be blown out of the fuckin water.
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