Vote Dems Get Free Money!

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It only seams that way because popeye starts a new thread for every article he finds that proves dems will bring about the end of the universe.

Gets old doesn't it?

I happen to read alot of literature daily ( Even blatant liberal rags). Try it! I would bet that your stance toward alot of issues would change.
I happen to read alot of literature daily ( Even blatant liberal rags). Try it! I would bet that your stance toward alot of issues would change.

There you go assuming again. I happen to read quite a bit. The more I read, the more my stance does change. Sometimes your way, sometimes not.
WF has turned into a political forum. :/

Only natural considering how close the US election is, and it affects people living in other countries too.

Interesting read Popeye, I heard about this earlier. I'm not a big fan of Pelosi either.
What, the last stimulus check wasn't enough? What do you mean the American people only stimulated the porn and alcohol industry?

This is shameless. Why don't they just hang a big banner out front that says "VOTE FOR US AND WE'LL GIVE YOU MONEY"?
If you guys want to see some real funny shit, go to the Sean Hannity forums. Those people are fucking nutcases... I can spend hours laughing at that place.
elime: Ain't that the truth?
Until this time last year, our government policy was basically dictated by breezes in Washington. Things that were unimaginable back in 2000 were being discussed and acted upon, with absolutely no regard for the fact that some of the crap going down actually required referendums.
Not that things are that much better right now, but it's hard for one leader to undo in 11 months what was built up by the previous leader over 11 years

If you guys want to see some real funny shit, go to the Sean Hannity forums. Those people are fucking nutcases... I can spend hours laughing at that place.
Holy crap, they make the people on DNForum look intelligent!
elime: Ain't that the truth?
Until this time last year, our government policy was basically dictated by breezes in Washington. Things that were unimaginable back in 2000 were being discussed and acted upon, with absolutely no regard for the fact that some of the crap going down actually required referendums.
Not that things are that much better right now, but it's hard for one leader to undo in 11 months what was built up by the previous leader over 11 years (yeah, our leaders get unlimited terms, until their own party tells them to piss off anyway)

Holy crap, they make the people on DNForum look intelligent!
I can't resist. I'm signing up.
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