Looking to give up my stick-it note initial planning phase which goes into whiteboard, then to PC for SQL. This is obviously only a process for larger systems, but I'm now wanting to visualize the data, and model quicker and then generate the SQL from it.
Right now I've downloaded / plan to try:
mysql workbench
DB Forge Studio
I also snaggged: SchemaSpy SchemaSpy and if you want a GUI: Joachim Uhls Blog » SchemaSpyGUI so I could map, and "see" some of my older current systems in place.
What are you using, and how do you like it?
How do you use it most?
Right now I've downloaded / plan to try:
mysql workbench
DB Forge Studio
I also snaggged: SchemaSpy SchemaSpy and if you want a GUI: Joachim Uhls Blog » SchemaSpyGUI so I could map, and "see" some of my older current systems in place.
What are you using, and how do you like it?
How do you use it most?