Visual App Designer for iPhone or Android?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I dont know jack about programming so coding an app is beyond me. I have a few good ideas for which i want to build some apps on iphone and android.

anyone knows an easy to use Visual app designer? like Dreamweaver for HTML something similar for app designing?

About - App Inventor for Android

Don't be a girl though, any of these solutions are going to be extremely limited. I advise you either learn to code or pay a developer..

I've been busting my ass since February learning Java, I still suck but my apps are making low $xxx/mo and I'm about to launch another..
Too late to edit post - anyone getting into mobile development should really look into the WM7 market - its completely bare (atleast it was a few months ago..) and WM7 phones are on the increase.
Thanks guys for the suggestions and help. will spend some time learning this and also have an option open to hire a developer. do you know a good place to hire these develper guys?
Why not do a deal with an app designer / developer. You can find them on sites such as 'dribbble' do a google search on that, some amazing designers on there for apps, do a 50/50 or 75(to you) 25 split. Tell them you will promote and run the app, all they need too do is design it, if its an awesome idea, the next angry birds or something, someone will do it :)

Good luck :)