Virus? Keylogger? Help Please...


New member
May 13, 2008
My husband and I have played WoW for years (Well, I haven't been playing for like six months least... I wouldn't be able to arena or raid these days lol, don't remember last time "I" logged in).

Anyways... he still does. He admits he's clicked on a couple of those phishing (he didn't understand) links that try to get you input your WoW acct information. He didn't ever input anything, just followed out of curiosity and to see what their page looked like. I told him that's all you gotta do sometimes is click on the link (like once, I showed him one of the many I get and it was clever. But I caught the tiny mistake in the bar on bottom of windows and showed him - he didn't realize you could change all that).

Finally after years... his account was hacked last week. Got it back in working order almost now with all the tickets.

Now tonight - just now - he says my account was hacked (it wasn't before). So... it is something on HIS laptop - cause no one has logged on on my PC.

We have no extra money to spend. What to do? Is it a virus or keylogger?

If it's a keylogger - still gotta get something and d/c from net to implement a fix on the PC or what?

start by downloading and running malwarebytes and combofix in Safe mode. then a full virus scan after those two apps have finished running.
yeah i would do what kani said first but honestly if your that worried about it your best bet would be to back up your important files on a disk or hd and reformat. If you don't want to do that do what kani said.

Also for me those anti spyware programs never get everything out. Theres always gonna be something that it didn't get if the problem is pretty bad. So after the software scans and takes out the junk i would go through your system manager and search through the exes and look for any unknown or questionable ones. Run the exe name through google to see if they are spyware and then just end the process and go locate where it was and delete the exe and anything else in that folder.

Keyloggers are a pain in the ass to do this way though because you gotta go through your register and find them and take them out to be sure.

Im not an expert in any of this but this is what i do and anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong on something.
Wow... I would go for malwarebytes*good antivirus (nod32 if u ask me), if it fails there is a very good solution (although not cheap) called reimage, google it.
Download these two free programs first: CCleaner and Glary Utilities. Use these to clear out your cache's, temp files, registry, etc.

After that, you need to download an awesome anti-virus/internet security suite which has an amazing heuristics system. I personally use Kaspersky (get the free 30-day trial of the Internet Security. You can buy it later if you like it.). Then set it to do a full scan using the deep scan heuristics setting. You set this via the Settings menu >> Full Scan >> Security Level Settings button.

That should clean it all up for you. Malwarebyes is good too, but you need proactive protection. Kaspersky will block any ads on web pages which have malicious scripts in them. This is pretty awesome on game sites, since a lot of the sweatshops which use stolen credit cards to fund memberships will target the ad agencies that run on fansites for popular MMORPGs.

I would be less worried about your WoW account and more worried about your identity, credit cards, bank accounts, and E-mail accounts. That's where the real threat lies. Your game account being hijacked is just a symptom for them to make a little extra money. They are really after stealing your identity and real money.
Get yourself an authenticator, best 5$ i ever spent.


Blizzard Store

Or just quit. I played WoW for years. It's a huge time sink, a money sink (especially if you buy your gold like I always did) and addictive. For me it was harder to quit WoW than it was to quit cigarettes, and just like how the longer you smoke the harder it is to quit, the longer you play the harder it gets to quit.