Virtual machines? Using more windows accounts at once...


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Is there a way to use more windows accounts at once? I have several accounts all with different VPN connections in various countries, but when i want to acces my "italy" account i need to sign off from the "USA" account, sign back in to the "italy" account etc.

Is there a way to have them running simultaneously?


Stick a copy of windows server on rather than a desktop os. Fire up terminal services and you got multiple login sessions as if you were 20 people working out of the same office. Eats up memory though. (not cheap)
Alternatively go the VMWare route and create multiple copies of the same virtual OS and have each of them configured. (cheap but needs ram)

Alternatively use the multiple logins feature of windows 7 and just do ctrl-alt-del->switch user (im on win 7 professional, not sure if it's a feature in that or across the board) (dirt cheap)
boobs, not bikinis.

One more try... (god, my ban button finger is itching today)
