Virt/Dedi Server for Backup Purposes?

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paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
Hey all, I recently took a Consulting job to fix a small investment firm's current IT infrastructure. What I want to do now is provide for them a off-site backup location in case of a disaster.

Right now there's <20gb of data I would like to backup but let's call it 25gb to play safe and to allow for more data to be backed up if and/or when necessary. I would also be backing this data up every Friday so that would be the equivalent (some months) to 5 times a month so that would be at least 125gb of bandwidth I would need.

Would a virtual dedicated server or a dedicated server serve this purpose well? I'm looking for a cost effective solution. What do you all recommend?

Amazon S3

Rsync is good.

I would also suggest Amazon S3.. Not as good a guarantee but a cheaper price per GB.
Amazon seems simple enough and is way cheaper than Rsync. I know I get what I pay for but Amazon has their shit together so I'm not too worried.

I'll try them out and I'll let everybody know how it goes.
Actually while I was looking at that list casidnet provided there was a comment on that page with a link to I ended up signing up with them. They're the cheapest so far and VERY simple to use. I'll post more information once I test out their software and service more thoroughly
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