Violent, Left Wing Fanatics - Just As Crazy Too....

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Before some asshole Fox News lover starts getting a hard on...

Sorry, I am not in a good mood considering what has happened in my hometown.

At any rate, I wanted to post this article because I think it goes a GOOD WAY of demonstrating that hatred and violence isn't a right wing or left wing thing - it's a human thing.
It's not just the nazi, white supremist, abortion clinic bombers, but the left wing extreme communism tree huggers as well.
Of course all of the above is terribly childish name calling, but you get my point....(doesn't help when it's that time of the month and yes go to hell for that too...)

Violent threats to democracy from groups on the far left escalated in the run-up to the European Parliament elections, according to the Swedish Security Police (Säpo).

The far right Sweden Democrats were one of the main targets of the so-called "autonomous" movement. But parties in Sweden's coalition government also found themselves in the firing line.

"We noted around twenty incidents of violence against people or property. The Sweden Democrats were not the only ones affected; the Liberal and Moderate parties were also hit," said Johan Olsson, chief analyst for Säpo's constitutional protection division.

The chief perpetrators came from groups on the extreme left such as Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) and Revolutionära Fronten.

"It's part of what they call their anti-fascist agenda. They don't believe that parties they consider critical of immigrants or opposed to workers' rights should be permitted to operate undisturbed," Olsson told news agency TT.

One of the more serious incidents recorded in the period leading up to the EU parliament elections was the assault on Saturday night of Sweden Democrat party secretary Martin Kinnunen and his girlfriend.

The pair were set upon by an estimated ten assailants, according to the public prosecutor. The attack occurred at Gullmarsplan in south Stockholm while the couple were making their way home from a visit to a restaurant.

Both were taken to hospital after a security guard intervened to halt the attack. Kinnunen's girlfriend suffered concussion and is believed to have been struck across the head with knuckle dusters.

Two young women, 20 and 25, were remanded in custody on Tuesday in connection with the attack.

The prosecutor in the case believes at least five more people may be arrested for involvement in the brutal assault.

Sweden Democrat politicians have also come under attack at public meetings and have had their property destroyed to the extent that the party eventually stopped advertising when it was planning to hold rallies in town squares

edit: just so you know, alot of these guys are DEVOUT atheists and environmentalists just as wacko as the bible misquoting christians people often speak of...

Since I am a libertarian, I believe in the non-agression principle, against the initiation of force to achieve political goals,etc. So by definition I can't really have anything in common with these nutjobs.

But at the same time all these "right wing" extremists get lumped in with people like me- non-violent anti-racists. Like when Mcveigh was labeled a libertarian or "anti-government" terrorists are lumped in with non-violent anarchists.

Oh well, I guess it's just one of the consequences of living in a world full of idiots, non-thinkers, and sensationalist media.
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