Video editing program help!

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Jul 13, 2007
Hi, I'm hoping someone out there can help me with this. I have a couple of short video clips to advertise my product but I need to tack a msg on there , like a 10 sec spot at the end that will say - ex. come to the web starts here... to find out more about this product.

My guess is I will need a video editing software to create the msg and then join the two clips?

I'm a PC user so does anyone know a simple program that can do let me create such a msg without getting something expensive like adobe premiere.

Great link. Looks like this is pretty standard... do you know if it has any effects features... scrolling text.... music synchronization or anything like that?

If not, would love to hear about some free/cheap/(ripped) alternatives!
Or better yet: VirtualDub

It's open source (free) and you can do tons of stuff with it. :)
It will let you add a watermark (bitmap) or text at any point in the video.

And if you wanna go "video-blackhat" - it even has a watermark-remover filter that can get rid of already watermarked logos on videos ;)
VirtualDub is the thing to learn: it can do so much stuff and it's free open source. I ran a video editing/film transfer biz and this was what I used for many tasks, along with Adobe Premiere.
Great link. Looks like this is pretty standard... do you know if it has any effects features... scrolling text.... music synchronization or anything like that?

If not, would love to hear about some free/cheap/(ripped) alternatives!

Actually I have never used Windows Movie Maker; I just linked to it because I knew it was free. Premiere is the only thing I have ever used. My brother has made some sick effects & titles using Ulead...pretty amazing for the price...either cheap or free.
VirtualDub is the thing to learn: it can do so much stuff and it's free open source. I ran a video editing/film transfer biz and this was what I used for many tasks, along with Adobe Premiere.

Just curious, what can Virtual Dub do that Premiere can't?
Just curious, what can Virtual Dub do that Premiere can't?

Well, for one it lets you work directly (and fast) with Divx and Xvid files and it does it really well. It is also pretty quick and intuitive to do other tasks like cropping, adding effects, changing framerates, etc.

Another thing you can do which I don't think Premiere supports is batch processing. Mark a bunch of your projects for batch processing and set VirtualDub to do all of the work once you're done editing all the clips. :)
Just curious, what can Virtual Dub do that Premiere can't?

I'm not sure what all the possibilities are here, but VirtualDub does a lot of things well and I just happened to have learned some things on VD and some on Premiere.

For instance I had some files I needed to remove watermarks on. I didn't know how to accomplish this with Premiere but I found a how-to explaining the VirtualDub method so that's what I used.

They are BOTH powerful programs and pretty much essential if you're doing any sort of serious video stuff.

But I have probably five programs I used consistently for various tasks depending on what they were. So for capturing film frame-by-frame from a modded projector I COULD have used Premiere but instead I used a program called CineCap. It's not that Premiere isn't capable of doing the task (it is) but I found that things were easier and came out better with that one particular program.

But Premiere is the best thing I found for capturing from MiniDV tape. So it all depends on the specific task I think.
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