Very Thorough Article on Dr. Jesse Wilms

Did he actually do anything illegal? From what I've heard up to now, he supposedly erased the terms and conditions completely from his sites and didn't even have a fine-print link to them, which is why he was in so much trouble because that would be a blatant scam. But according to the article, it just sounded like the usual "had terms right there, dumbass didn't read them" argument.
inb4itsthebuyersfaultfornotreadingthetermshurrrr billingsugarpillsfor$90isnotascamdurrrrrr

But seriously these fuckers could of just sold a legit product and networks could of just banned 2 step combos. Look how big force factor became.
Crazy quote from the article:

" Since 2007, his companies have raked in more than US$467 million in revenue. That’s just a few million shy of what LinkedIn earned over the same period."

He's the next Kim Schmitz. Maybe he'll move to HK and change his name to Jesse Acai Max Wuyi.