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New member
Mar 28, 2007
I've a list of 20 loopholes in authoritative websites to inject a link. I need to get this links indexed now. What would be the best way to do it? I mean the most secure way. Can it be done through rss feeds?
*Content Edited/Content Edited Fuck yeah, look at me on the left!

I've discovered about 20 ways to inject a html to the V-e-r-y authoritative websites. I need to get this links indexed now. What would be the best way to do it? I mean the most secure way. Can it be done through rss feeds?

Be vewwy vewwy quiet, we're hunting wabbits!
If you already have 20 ways, and you "developed" them yourself, wouldn't you know the "best" way of doing it?

And what do your techniques have to do with "indexing" them, and even more so, RSS feeds (a content syndication technology).

You're probably a light year or two ahead of all of us.

I've discovered about 20 ways to inject a html to the V-e-r-y authoritative websites. I need to get this links indexed now. What would be the best way to do it? I mean the most secure way. Can it be done through rss feeds?
Fuck yeah, I'm sweating here, Jon wasn't suppose to read this at all ;)
Surely, I'm ain't the only one who knows abt them. They have been discussed before, but not so openly as many others.
To correct myself it isn't a html page injection, but rather a link injection to the authority pages ranked high. Apparently some push is still needed to get that link followed.
I don't want to show off here, sorry if i did, I've simply asked for an advice...Though didn't get any so far..
lol..Thats like saying "hey I developed some atomic rocket ship engines, but I just need to know, what is the formula for the best rocket fuel mix."
So you just need to get your XSSs indexed. Here's one way: create a WP blog, add some content from ezineartices, embed the XSSs in the sidebar as far down as possible. Submit the posts to Digg, Netscape, etc, etc. Inevitably, the blog will be indexed fairly quickly and the XSSs spidered. Alternatively, use blogspot, msn spaces, etc, instead of your own WP blog.

Fuck yeah, I'm sweating here, Jon wasn't suppose to read this at all ;)
Surely, I'm ain't the only one who knows abt them. They have been discussed before, but not so openly as many others.
To correct myself it isn't a html page injection, but rather a link injection to the authority pages ranked high. Apparently some push is still needed to get that link followed.
I don't want to show off here, sorry if i did, I've simply asked for an advice...Though didn't get any so far..
I can tell you one way, but I won't give you the keys to the castle. That's the only way people around here learn...let them teach themselves


It makes more sense than you think.


damn i feel dumb sometimes. that is a great idea.
Hmm...I have an apple, and sugar, and a glass...and I really want some apple juice

You put sugar in apple juice? That would make me trip out on all the sugar, naturally in apples and then in the sugar..... Apple Crack!
Look in the ingredients in Apple Juice :D 9x% sugar :p

have you guys tried asking for extra lemons with your water at a restaurant and then adding a couple packs of sugar? instant and free lemonade! use the sugar substutite packs and it's like no cal too.
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