Vertical Market Keyword Modifiers w/ High Co-Occurence.....

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Someone asked for more threads on $$ so here goes.....

How would you go about finding a working list of common keyword modifiers specific to a particular vertical market/niche?

By that I mean, suppose you are selling widgets.

When most people think about modifiers (i.e. heads or tails that along with the root make up a typical longtail phrase) they think of:

physical attributes (large, small, blue, furry, etc)

price (cheap, discount, specific price (ex. '$.99 Widgets', 'Widgets under $10', etc

location (marbella widgets, stockholm widgets, philly widgets, etc)

action words (what I'm particularly interested in....... "buy", "compare", "search"), etc

The origin of the question was a Hitwise industry report I just recently read which contended:

" [FONT=&quot]"the process of refining keyword lists for search engine marketing can become more of an exact science, by knowing the search 'modifiers' specific to each industry."[/FONT]

In sum, if you wanted to find let's say the top 100 most frequently used modifiers for a particular vertical, how would you go about doing it?

I would start by looking at your logs and pulling data from your existing keywords. You can also use program that will let you look and see what keywords your competitors are using and pull data from that.
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