Verizon Math Fail

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Wow, and the lady manager seemed to be following him so well for a moment.

"Do you recognize the difference between a dollar and a penny... half dollar and half penny..."
rotfl I love the sound of a sigh indicating the world of logic and simple 2nd grade math just crumbled at the feet of idiots.
I loved hearing that they were going to start making finance 101 a part of high-school curriculum in the states. I hear things like this from so many people.

A couple months ago when the Fed lowered their rates, I heard someone saying to his friend "Yeah, now is a great time to buy because they just dropped rates. You can get a loan for 0.25%!" I wanted to hit him.
I had a very similiar conversation with the support over at about a month ago...

A banner on the front page advertised domains Starting at .99¢ when really the cheapest name was $.99

They argued and argued, I even posted a thread on a forum about ti which they promptly shut down...


Thread: NamePros.Com - $0.99 Promo Advertising
Reading the youtube comments is pretty entertaining.

I'm kind of ashamed to be the same species as some of these people.
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