Verify Email and Country Via Facebook


New member
Oct 27, 2009

I have a list of 200k of email address (yahoo, hotmail and gmail). I would like to know if these email address has a facebook account, if yes, would also like to confirm that they are from X country via facebook.

I can do that manually by entering the email in the "Search" box in facebook, but manually doing it for 200k is not feasible.

Could anyone help to create some sort of automation script/program for this ?

Thanks alot.


I am a freelance developer and I specialize in web scrapping and automation tools. feel free to get in touch skype: kingnebula

I have a list of 200k of email address (yahoo, hotmail and gmail). I would like to know if these email address has a facebook account, if yes, would also like to confirm that they are from X country via facebook.

I can do that manually by entering the email in the "Search" box in facebook, but manually doing it for 200k is not feasible.

Could anyone help to create some sort of automation script/program for this ?

Thanks alot.

Use ZennoPoster to automate that task.

Sorry for bumping an old thread but this one didn't get had a good answer.

If you can do it manually then Ubot and Zenno poster can do it. Just copy what you're doing 1-5 times and the software will do it for you for the rest of the 200k list. No need for providers, no need to pass the emails to someone else and this type of automation software can be done in less than 2 hours