Venting At Facebook's Disapprovals

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
Ok, I need to vent about Facebook and how annoying it is that I can't get any perfectly legitimate dating ads approved at Facebook anymore apparently. I've submitted about 20 different ad variations now, changing everything, titles, copy, text and even the landing page to make sure the interns get to see the proper international landing page.

What gives? Seriously big waste of time so far. Anyone else getting the same? It wouldn't appear it because I've seen tons of new dating ads over the past 48 hours.

Time to hit up my account rep.

I used to have that problem, but it mostly ended up being the picture I was using. In short, the ad image can't be offensive to anybody (that includes children, old people, nuns, and ugly chicks).

Find a moderately cute girl wearing a turtle neck and you'll be fine.
The images definitely aren't offensive. I was even trying to see if it was my images causing problems so I grabbed a few from some other ads that were running (only as a test) and, yes, those ones even got rejected. Pretty retarded.
I'd highly suggest mentioning the name of the company you are advertising, and if you are getting disapproved because of images, submit them over and over and over. Over the last 3 days, I've got tons of ads approved that weren't being approved before (I think ASW made them change a bit ;) ).
when picking out a dating image, in the back of my mind I picture that the intern is going to review the ad is about 300 pounds and looks like Smaxor (without the hat). And def add the company name if you don't have it in there.

other than that just keep submitting.
Ok, I need to vent about Facebook and how annoying it is that I can't get any perfectly legitimate dating ads approved at Facebook anymore apparently. I've submitted about 20 different ad variations now, changing everything, titles, copy, text and even the landing page to make sure the interns get to see the proper international landing page.

What gives? Seriously big waste of time so far. Anyone else getting the same? It wouldn't appear it because I've seen tons of new dating ads over the past 48 hours.

Time to hit up my account rep.

First, it's the weekend. Dating offers convert better on the weekends, hence the ton of new ads in the past 48 hours.

Second, make sure you're targeting single males interested in females. Or vice versa. This part is crucial.
I wonder why people here keep bitching about dating ads on facebook? Why dont you suckers just keep it simple? I get almost ALL my dating ads approved. Just do what they say - keep the title simple / mention the dating service in the ad text / use a cute girl's pic thats all.
Was having trouble getting legitimate dating ads approved the other day, so after uploading the same set of ad's 5 or so times, I sent Facebook a professional sounding polite email, asking why they were being disapproved and if they could offer any guidance.

The ad's were quickly set to pre-approved and the only change I had to make was putting a fullstop at the end of the text block. (The disapproved reason I was getting said the ad didn't correctly represent the product)

Could be worth a shot. Cheers
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