Venezuelan Election - What a cluster fuck


New member
Feb 5, 2010
I know quite a few Venezuelans living here in CR and today couldn't help but notice the ridiculous number of post about the election fraud going on.

One voting station was completely taken over by armed men and anyone trying to vote was shot at if they got to close.

There are also pics circulating of military burning the ballots such as:


So what do you guys think, they gonna get someone else in power just as bad or worse than Chavez or do you think they will get someone who will clean up.


Chavez loyalist control the military, courts and election board. So I don't think it will get cleaned up anytime soon.
At least their people know their system is corrupt, that's better than voting believing you have a say, isn't it?
In b4 opposition concedes the election due to assassination of their candidate.