Value of a .info domain

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New member
Apr 2, 2007
How does the value of a .info domain stack up against the value .com? Is it worth more to pick a just one .com instead of 5 or 6 .info domains? I am tempted by the 99 cent .info domains on GoDaddy, but is it really worth it?

How does the value of a .info domain stack up against the value .com? Is it worth more to pick a just one .com instead of 5 or 6 .info domains? I am tempted by the 99 cent .info domains on GoDaddy, but is it really worth it?

General rule of thumb is .com is king and .info is spam. But really it all depends on what you planing on doing with your domains. If it's for a fully built out site with great content, then personally I would always go with the .com.

If it's to test to see if a niche works and do arbitrage then I personally would used a .info (which I call "throw away domains"). Why spend $8 for a .com and find out that your idea isn't going to work. When you could just spend $0.99 (or even $0.88 with - I have several hundred .info's there, they are good too) and just chaulk it up to experience. And if it works great, then get the .com.

There will be some who say that they have .info for legit sites. And that it works for them. And that's great. But the reason why .com is king is because think about it. If I tell you to go to just Amazon, Ebay or whatever the first place you'll go to is,, etc. And if you can't find it there, then you'll do a .net , maybe a .org or .us. But I highly doubt .info would come to mind immediately.

That's one of the reason's why .com is king. And don't get me wrong, I've made just as much with a .info than I have with .com in certain situations. So again, it all depends on what you want to do with your domain.

Good Luck,

P.S. One quick tip, if you're planning of spamming and jamming with .info's do not mix them in with your legit domains with GoDaddy. There are many stories of Godaddy freezing your entire account and domains because people complained about just one. If you don't believe me google it. I always keep my legit shit far from my little less :D than legit shit seperate. Also I do the same with hosting, but that's another topic.:rasta:
Hello che1959, my name is Logic and we have been buying domain names for just over 10 years and have built a website Viper Logic Corp. - Domain Name Portfolio that we store these names at with a link to our simple how to buy a domain name Domain Name Help and Assistance and in short a part of this site explains why at any price a .com is the only way to go even if you can only buy a single domain make it a .com. Other then a few .mobi's we only own .com endings.
Anyway we hope our learning how to select a domain name website will help you.
thanks, kind of what I felt when I surf the net. the infos just ooze spam, but I suppose they have their use.

Thanks also for the advice about GoDaddy. You mention Are they really any good? I would never worry about a registrar until Registerfly went belly up, but that got me thinkin.

Thanks for advice about the hosting. I have a separate VPS already that will be used to host my domains.

My plan is to put up twenty or thirty sites using some content of my own and some from my students, hardly quality content, but it with a bit of promotion it should get search engine traffic and maybe get some clicks. With a .info at 99 cents, it's hard not to make money during the year.

Do you think .info will be worth more in the future? Meaning, could I sell the domain after it's been aged for a year or two?
i think if you gonna go with a website that you gonna spend losts of time on.. go with .com.. it is more memorable. poeple use it more.. you will make more money in the future.. don't need to cheap out in a fe bucks..
cdc, that's a great article. Thanks, it really clears my head about it. A .com it is. I suppose if I was doing a lot of arbi, the .infos would be better but since that's not my focus yet, I would best go with a .com.
Ya, I'd go for the .com over 100 .infos. Spammers have completely diminished the reputation of .infos. In email marketing somes ISPs will completely block .infos from reaching their customers. Anti-spam filters automatically give .info domains anywhere from 1 to 3 spam points.
As for now all my domains are .com, but recently I had been considering buying new .info domains for a new project (not spam at all). I guess I believed that by doing that I could reduce my initial expenses as I will need dozens of domains. But based on this info and your advice guys, I will think it over!
If you just want to drive traffic via PPC to your own pre-sell landpage then .info are fine. But like others have mentioned if you are looking to build upon your site and get it indexed for organic traffic then go with a .com name.
From a pure marketing and branding perspective I would not even consider using anything other than version. The last thing you want to do is start branding and not own the .com version. People are so used of the .com versions that they will gravitate towards typin traffic to .com before anythig else. just my $6.95 worth.
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