value for domains like [popular thing]

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ok I have 3 questions for you then:

1. Where does one sell a domain name?

2. Is there any issue with selling private (anonymous) domains? I register all my domains by proxy

3. How does one sell a domain name after a price is agreed upon? I'm sure there's something easy and obvious. Do you just call the registrar or something and tell them to whom they should transfer it?

ok I have 3 questions for you then:

1. Where does one sell a domain name?

2. Is there any issue with selling private (anonymous) domains? I register all my domains by proxy

3. How does one sell a domain name after a price is agreed upon? I'm sure there's something easy and obvious. Do you just call the registrar or something and tell them to whom they should transfer it?


Search Google, there's lots of domain brokerage websites.

You can use an escrow service for the transfer (or get the funds from the buyer direct, if they trust you) then you'd initiate the transfer of the name within your registrar control panel.
You have to use everything at your disposal my friend.

sitepoint, here (wickedfire) dnforum, namepros(a total bitch but it works.)
The key thing is knowing what to sell on which forum
sitepoint - it has a very very wide variety of buyers and you will sell a total b.s site on there
wickedfire - If you want to mint money here, find out what niches are popular and sell premium .com domains in that niche - you will walk away with a bundle. Most of the audience here is ppc oriented and wont mind buying to get high ctrs.
Dnforum - They will rape you trying to get your domains cheap. I think the best you can do here is with typos. They fucking love them. Heres a tip, check out their domains with uniques above 30 - bro you will find some gems you can develop overnight.
Namepros - one of the ugliest domain websites i have seen. Totally fugly (fucking ugly)i cant even navigate that place to buy or sell something decent. I think you have to be a aerospace engineer to figure out that website.
Those are your top websites yo can sell.
Oh shit i forgot, ebay is another but use that to drive traffic back to your auctions - the worst that can happen is your auction gets cancelled. :)
Some tips for selling domains on ebay.

Put your url in the title and do not use caps or spaces to separate the words. Besure your extension is connected correctly. I know this sounds stupid but it amazes me how many peeps will list a domain like " Im an eBay". The reason this is important is that there are many ebay scrapers like (<---affiliate link) that pull ebay domain auctions. (More exposure)

Protect your ass. Get your mom to signup with ebay if she has not already. Don't be a scum bag and bid up your auction but protect it if it fails.

Besure to list on Sunday or Monday between 6:00pm and 10:30pm eastern time. Run your auction for 7 days so that it ends on Sunday or Monday at the specified ending time. Sunday is a slightly better day to close an auction on than Monday, but these two days are better than any other day of the week.

Then promote your listing. Put that link to your auction on many forums like digital point. Hell if your domain is getting traffic have your mom signup with eBay affiliate (<---affiliate Link) and then create a widget to show your auction. Better yet install wordpress and get phpBay (<---affiliate link) plugin and put your auction as a featured auction using the sidebar widget but also list other stuff that pertains to your domain.
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I'd recommend going running a 10 day auction, and so starting on the previous Thursday. That way you get two Sunday's worth of exposure.
One of THE BEST pieces of advice I got on domaining was from Rick Schwartz (via reading not in person).

He said "when you see Jane Doe through Jane Doe's eyes, you'll sell Jane Doe what Jane Doe buys...".

What did he mean? Well basically, I think he's saying that alot of people jump into domaining not using textbook business processes - i.e. DEFINING YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER/CLIENT/BUYER, etc.

I don't ever buy domains to sell (i.e. grow vs. income=developing) unless I have a clear understanding of
-WHO THE BIG MONEY BUYERS ARE (end users and large domain portfolio holders),

The first thing I'd do is head over to namebio or dnsalesprice and grab some csv data and look at what historical prices for those kind of domains are. Yes, it's true that alot of domains get sold privately, but why chance it?

That's why I am also a big fan of sticking to a niche. So taking Rick Schwartz' advice to heart, who is the most likely buyer for that kind of domain and what are they willing to pay?

I will take keyword rich domains over "brandable" any day as well. I also won't touch the "buy" button at a registrar until I've scoured places like the pages of Domainer Magazine or DNForum and the sales history sites to get an understanding of what the market things of certain kinds of domains.

So in sum, I'd definitely develop a clear profile of the kind of person that would be most likely to buy that kind of domain, get an understanding of what kind of money they are working with and lastly look at historical sales prices....

if you are looking to develop those kinds of domains, I'd also look at what kind of keywords that domain will help you optimize for and also are those words profitable...i'd check the adlabs commercial intent tool, and see if there are any keywords with a CPC of at least $2. I'd also see how much competition there are and if there are at least 8 advertisers advertizing on those words...
heres the funny thing...

I just sold 2 domains for about 1200 which i really didnt think would sell for that much. Honestly at most i would have got for them would have been about 200 here on wf.
Some guy was crying on the phone and sending me money orders to get his hands on the particular domains.
It was funny though. The greatest lesson i learned from all this was, dont underestimate what you hold on your portofolio - you might think your domain is worth reg fee , while over at real estate webmasters forum they would be a bidding war for your domain.
How much do you think you would get for a acai typo here, or for wrinkle domain with traffic on wickedfire.
You would kill it.

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