Validation Help

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
In the past I have not considered and even frowned upon validating any of my sites. Though recently I have been presented with a really great opportunity, which requires me to present 3 validated sites which I have designed, so here it goes, Im trying to validate #1, and have it validated for the most part, except for 3 errors, well really there are 15 errors, but the first 12 are errors being thrown up because of some Google Search code (nothing I can do about that) the last three are the ones I cant figure out, all beginning and closing tags are present and proper, though I am still getting errors.

Heres a link, check out the last three errors ....

Thanks in advance, Jer

In the google search code (line 74 on the validator link you provided), change....


I dont really want to change Googles code seeings that it is against toss, what I am concerned about doing is validating page elements that are within my control.

The three lines at the bottom;

Line 430, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: body line 49 and div.</div> <!-- end wrapper -->…

Line 431, Column 6:
XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: html line 2 and body.</body>

Line 432, Column 7: XML Parsing Error: Extra content at the end of the document.</html>

Thanks for the help though Shags
I dont get it, I just validated about 10 of my other sites no problem, but this bitch is killing me, I dont really need to get it validated now, though I ma now determined. What the fuck everything is how it should be yet I am getting errors, WTF....
I believe the start of all the errors begins in the google code, and if you try removing it the page will validate.

The very top of your html source, the !DOCTYPE declaration, is very important to how your html behaves and validates. You specify an xhtml doctype. Valid xhtml requires all attributes to be in the format of......


However, the google code is using a feature called 'SHORTTYPE' where a form element, in your case the radio button, can specify it's value with just a single word (ie, 'checked'). This is just not valid xhtml, and it won't validate under the doctype you specify.
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