Using 'www' or not when building links to my blog? makes any difference?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
if I type in "http:// www ." it redirects me to "http : //" (spaces given in order for the example to not turn into a clickable url) . So will it make any difference if I include www. too when building links to my site? does that change anything? or is it preferrable to simply omit the www. when building links?


If you want to change it, and I am presuming you are using Wordpress, then go to:

Settings > General Settings > Blog address (URL)

And then simply stick the www there.
If the www redirects to non-www, then you ideally want all you links pointing at because in all likely hood you have a 301 redirect in .htaccess, so building links to something that is non-existent is a waste of time. (You will still keep the link juice if you are 301ing your traffic, but it's pointless to link to www.)
If the www redirects to non-www, then you ideally want all you links pointing at because in all likely hood you have a 301 redirect in .htaccess, so building links to something that is non-existent is a waste of time. (You will still keep the link juice if you are 301ing your traffic, but it's pointless to link towww.)

oh noes. :(
I have been linking to the www.
does this mean all link building I did so far has probably gone to waste?
so what do you suggest I do now? if i do as pandajam says, will it help me get the entire juice out of my backlinks? or is there anything else I can do to somehow get the full extent of the link juice from the links ive built so far?

thanks a lot again guys you probably saved me a lot of money and trouble by clearing this thing up for me. :)
Leave it be. Just make sure future links are going to the non-www. 301 redirecting links is perfectly acceptable by all and sundry, and you will in the most part keep all your link juice. As far as i'm aware you should keep it all, but i've never bothered researching it to any great degree and would imagine some loss.

I once rather stupidly took over a site that was using www and i rewrote htaccess as non-www without really thinking about what i'd done. A few days later I suddenly realised, but rather than fuck Google off and changing it back, i just left it. I noticed no ill-effects from it at all, because it was a 301 and the big g, is cool with 301s, it's 302s it's a bit careful of.
so what do you suggest I do now? if i do as pandajam says, will it help me get the entire juice out of my backlinks? or is there anything else I can do to somehow get the full extent of the link juice from the links ive built so far?

thanks a lot again guys you probably saved me a lot of money and trouble by clearing this thing up for me. :)
God definitely has some good advice there (I see why you chose that username, works great when referencing! haha)

I've personally always linked to www, and although I haven't really focused on any sites recently, the juice definitely went through as I went up the ranks and got to where I wanted to be.

I'll be taking the same advice though and building links without www in the future most likely.
301 that shit and build links to both. Do the same with the trailing slash.

So... 301 www to non-www or vice versa and 301 all links to either end in a forward slash or not to. Then, build links to every combo - don't be overly anal, most can go towards any variation. This makes links look natural.

Think I'm wrong? Start actually thinking. What looks natural:

a) 10k inbound links all pointing to
b) 6k links to || 2k to || 1.5k to || 500 to
I am back with another question. How do I do a 301 redirect? or do I even need to do one when the www domain is already redirecting to non-www? I know I can google it but I am not tech savvy at all and want to make sure I do it right.. When I open the htacess file all I see is there is this

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

whats the code for doing the 301 redirect and where do i add it?

it would be grand if anyone could help a little with this.