Using StumbleUpon The Way It's Designed To Be Used


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
I just started using an old account I created a couple years ago, just bumpin around the site and "liking" crap and following random people. I really did it just to make my account look more autherntic. But I'm quickly starting to see an uptick in traffic coming from SU about maybe a 5% increase above my normal traffic although I haven't studied yet how the StumbleUpon traffic converts.

Anyway, any of you use StumbleUpon in the "whitehat" way to draw quality traffic with success and know any tips? I think I wanna pay more attention to this thing as more than just another spam vehicle. But only if it's worth the time invested.

Anyone of you use StumbleUpon everyday for your sites?

The shit really does work for traffic quantity. I remember when Eli stumble'd one of my posts on Contempt back in the day.

Screenshot taken today:

Was like... a 5 hour time span or so.
Used to use it a lot when I was into funny picture sites, traffic can be insane (50k visits a day) but the traffic sucks balls. Nobody clicks on ads, so unless you've got CPM advertisers you're fucked.
True. I am worried that the traffic may be useless for ad clicks directly, BUT I've started a new blog that targets chicks and the content is absolutely money.

So I'm primarily implementing use of SU to get some eyes on the blog content, because if it's front of the right demographic it will gain traction for sure. It already is, my feedburner subs have shot up too.
Depending on the site, with StumbleUpon getting massive traffic is super easy. I still get like 25% off my traffic from StumbleUpon for some sites. While it's nice to see big traffic numbers,StumbleUpon users are so ad blind it's not even funny, and It's pretty impossible to sell to them. Stumbleupon is good for helping your content go super viral though, so it's not all shit.

What I did, was add a bunch of people, get friends and stumble a lot of shit daily. I didn't add my own sites for a while, and when I did, traffic took off automatically.
Stumbleupon is good for helping your content go super viral though, so it's not all shit.
Exactly, I've built tons of linkbait and content that will/should go viral amongst a certain demographic of women. This is already working. Started a Facebook profile as well and sent friend requests to women who had clicked "like" on pages of a similar theme as my blog, this works better than building pages for me.

stumble a lot of shit daily. I didn't add my own sites for a while, and when I did, traffic took off automatically.
I don't fullt understand the benefit of stumbling a bunch of stuff or even exactly what you mean. When you say you are stumbling stuff are you clicking "like" for a bunch of sites or simply stumbling through the sites in the StumbleUpon database for some kind of off-shoot benefit?
From my experience SU traffic is useless. It looks great in stats, and not worth much else.
I had 15k hits last month from stumbleupon for one of my old sites. Really surprised me.

Padded my traffic stats, not my income.
SU traffic has been known for being total worthless. However, there are a few things that work there like gaining youtube views, FB likes and shit. Try to get the users to hang on to you in some other way and then use them in future