Using Myspace as a marketing tool seems almost TOO easy...

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Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
A few days ago, I decided to do what a lot of you blackhat guys are doing and get on the myspace bandwagon.

So, I found a picture of some random hot girl, created an account, wrote up a stupid fake profile, and just let it sit for a couple of days.

This morning, I checked it out of curiousity and to my surprise... I had over 20 pages of friend requests, and they keep coming in at a steady rate. I keep checking it once an hour or so and every time I check it there are like 25 new requests.

I figure I can get this account up to 10k friends within the week easily. Then, I can start using this profile to promote some affiliate offers.

I know it probably won't convert too well, but I'm sure I'll be able to make a few sales here or there especially with bulletins going out to 10,000 gullible people. After all, this is costing me $0 to do and only a couple hours of my time (total). So, why not try?

Anyone else have success using Myspace to promote offers?

So you created a fake profile with a hot girl on it!!??? I wonder how many profiles in myspace are from spammers like yourself.
I do hope you get banned from myspace.

How naive are you? Probably half of the "hot girls" that freely add almost anyone to their profiles are marketers in some form or fashion. It isn't a trend you're going to beat by berating this one guy.
So you created a fake profile with a hot girl on it!!??? I wonder how many profiles in myspace are from spammers like yourself.
I do hope you get banned from myspace.

Yeah, how dare you ruin this great website :boid: :D
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So you created a fake profile with a hot girl on it!!??? I wonder how many profiles in myspace are from spammers like yourself.
I do hope you get banned from myspace.

You can't be for real. I feel sorry for you if you take Myspace *that* seriously, dude. How old are you? 12?

Go play on your safe little Myspace account, because you're obviously not open-minded enough to be on Wickedfire.
I agree

MySpace is really easy to exploit actually. There are even a couple of tools out there made specifically for building your own network on MySpace so that you've got an audience for your ads. If your really interested in pushing it to the next level check this tool out. Friend Blaster Pro
Myspace is a joke. If you can exploit the system, more power to you. Ablaye you need to get rid of that thing you call a conscience.
My friend created one of those profiles. I ran one of my offers through it and the conversion was pretty bad, but it did work.

Try this one: Create the profile. Post bulletins with no ads in them for a while. That way, people think it's a legitimate person, and will READ your advertised ones... Works a lot better and doesn't take much.
Aren't most of the aff network starting to disallow myspace traffic these days?
Thanks for the post, Chase.

What are you doing to get your profile in front of all the people who are adding you?
Aren't most of the aff network starting to disallow myspace traffic these days?

In public, not private deals. There are only a few companies that don't seem to think the rules apply to them, but with extreme greed comes extreme risk.
Aren't most of the aff network starting to disallow myspace traffic these days?

I know for a fact a few of the affiliate programs I work with allow myspace traffic. As long as they're making money, they don't care. I know myspace has been deleting spam accounts in record numbers... but nothing about the profile I created is "spammy". There are no links on the profile page. I haven't sent out a single spam bulletin. So, they have no reason to delete that account.

What is *really* disturbing is some of the messages some of the other myspace pervs are sending me. hahaha
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