Using foreign language expired domain


New member
Dec 25, 2014
So I am new to SEO and trying to learn by doing. I think I will learn quite a lot from the mistake I'm about to talk about.

Recently, I've been buying domains that have juice and am going to make a network out of them.

Yesterday I made the mistake of bidding on, and winning, a foreign language domain. It has 15k+ backlinks and TF 15 CF 19 but it is a chinese targeted .com domain. Looking at wayback it looks like someone in the UK set up a basic WP blog and linked to some local businesses less than a year ago. They didn't spam viagra or anything and the anchor links dont have any sign of being spammed to hell.

I'm certain I have likely wasted the money I spent on this domain--I've let that go. But what can I do to salvage this, or learn further? Should I just park a basic site with analytics to see if I get any traffic? Should I build an entirely new unrelated domain? The thing is I really have no idea what niche to target since the domain name is literally just numbers. so there is no clear path where to go in that regard. Trying to resurrect the domain from wayback and rebuild the site isn't really plausible since I don't know chinese.

Any input is appreciated.

You need to have the idea of what you are going to do with the domain (what kind of traffic you expect, how to convert it etc) - before bidding on it. IMO if you manage to sell it for half of the price you bought it for - that would be ok.