Using failed brick & mortar businesses lists


New member
Sep 10, 2007
I just thought I'd share a method I've had a lot of success with during the last two years because somebody on WF gave me a ton of help and told me to pay it forward.

This tactic is pretty straight forward, basically you look for businesses that are closing down/have closed down in your niche. You approach these businesses and offer to buy their membership lists from them.

For example, brick and mortar video stores are a dying breed so whenever one goes out of business I'll contact them and offer to buy their membership lists, if I can convince the owner to sell (and in most cases I can, sometimes you have to be sneaky and offer them a personal finders fee as any money you offer the business itself will be used to pay creditors).

Generally you will just get first name/last name/address/phone number. Once I have this information I'll write a sales letter that will basically say

"Dear [persons name] Blah blah blah has closed down, we are sorry for any inconvenience. Forunately netflix has offered all of our customers a free 30 day trial. List benefits of netflix over crappy video store"

Obviously you need to split test like you would an online campaign and see what works and what doesn't.

In some cases they will just give you their whole databse, this is when the real money rolls in. Let's say Samantha owes $20 in late fees, you send her a letter saying that you will cancel her debt if she signs up for netflix or one of other offers below.

You can also look at how often somebody hires and phrase the letter differently (thank you for being one of our best customers, here is your reward!)

Video stores are just one example, any business which keeps your personal information works just as well. If there is no aff offer available then just contact other local businesses in the area and offer to either sell them the list of charge like XX per new customer you send them. I often provide this service for some of my local SEO clients.

Requires a little initial outlay and some testing, but as always once you get it dialed in you make mega bank.

Dunno if something similar has been posted on WF before, but if you have any questions ask away.
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good shit.

i get a paper with biz closings and stuff, and im always like wtf would i use this for.

now i know.
dude this is a pretty good tactic, i can think of like 5-6 diffrent types of businesses that go out of business all the time who i can buy membership lists from. now i just need a list of places that are closing. how do you generate those?
oo sh!t where can i get a list of business closing down? what paper are you talking about?
Good strategy, but this is kind of sketch:

Let's say Samantha owes $20 in late fees, you send her a letter saying that you will cancel her debt if she signs up for netflix or one of other offers below.
What kind of money are you offering them?

It depends on what type of business they are running, how big the database is and how desperate I think they are. I've bought some lists for under $100 and paid over $10k for other lists.

Good strategy, but this is kind of sketch:

Not really sketchy at all, I purchase the debt from the video store and then resell it to traditional debt collection agencies if I am unable to get them to sign up.

Video stores aren't the only business this works for..I was just giving an example, try and be creative!