using facebook groups


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I don't use facebook personally, and haven't really delved into it's uses for business either.

If I create a group to compliment a website and product, can I get access to the demographics of the members of the group? Eg. age ranges, gender, location, etc, through the backend API?

If not, I guess groups are used as:
· a 'focus group' that you can use for customer research
· an alternative to running a 3rd party forum on the site itself
· an alternative to collecting email addresses
· an alternative to tweeting updates and offers
· and it can build buying confidence if it has many (fake) users

Anything I'm missing, or is that pretty much it?

Groups have fewer features with site implementation. You are better off getting a like page. Plus you can moderate the shit that comes out of your fan's mouths.
Thanks for the advise. Pages are probably the way to go.

I still can't find the answer anywhere - is it possible to tap into the demographic data from the profiles of the people who 'like' the page or join the group? For example, if I wanted to find out what proportion of the 'likes' came from women?

You can get a fan page. You can also create an event and invite your whole friends list and also have your friends invite theirs as well. You could realistically have a ridiculous amount of people that at least can see the event with the site for free.
I've got a FB group page, but it's been about as useful as I am trying to figure out all this technical crap. :stonedsmilie: I'll have to try a like page too. My problem is there are certain banners and links I want to post on my group that I can't and it's stopping me from really growing it and sending a lot of invites.