Using blogspot blogs?


New member
Aug 16, 2010
I had an idea: find 20 of the best, most highly searched long tail keywords in my niche, setup 20 blogspot blogs (assign each keyword to each blogspot blog's name, for keyword optimization in domain), then...

Grab loads of relevant articles on the internet, steal them essentially, spin them and then post them up? Spin them so much that yes the articles would be hard to read and almost meaningless but just for the purpose of escaping copyright/copyscape and getting in some easy traffic after the blogs have aged a little.

If this could work/would be worth doing just for the sake of extra traffic, would I have them link back to my site, or just the product I'm promoting? Because if they went to my site might I get in trouble when it comes to Google etc? Would Google see my site as spammy/not legit/responsible for the shitty blogs?


I don't think you would get much trafic, plus your model doesn't include backlinks. Blogspot blogs have no authority whatsoever to being with :)
Years ago, entire splog networks using essentially this same model (or other sploggy methods) were wiped out by Google who, as you know, own blogspot/blogger.

It worked for a while for some people before all that happened, afaik, but almost definitely not worth the effort now. Especially since, to rank at all, they would have to be incredibly long-tail which in turn means very few searches per month.
Ah okay, thanks for the reply.

I know some people having much success with blogspot blogs, ones that have aged 1-3 years or more, pulling in lots of sales.

But I guess I'll reconsider. Thanks again.
You could use the Blogspot blogs for backlinks. From the sounds of it, that doesn't seem like it would produce much traffic on its own, just the links would be valuable for ranking your own website.

If you make the articles unique enough though, and the blogs aren't removed, and you do link building to rank your blogspot blogs for those top 20 keywords you researched, you could build up traffic to the blogs, then people will click the links to your website. That could work as far as I can tell, it would just be a matter of how unique the content is.
I love them both.
for adsense i just use blogspot,

but for CPA, CB and other I use WP, it's more easly to set up design n other

about SEO, I know that WP are better but now days google has panda it is hards to for WP too
At least make the spun articles make sense.

Google might still not be good at determining how well an article is written, but gibberish is easy to spot and will be quickly deindexed.