Using a VPS for dealing with datafeeds


Jun 10, 2012
I could do with a VPS to process product datafeeds from various sources (with php), anything from a few MB in size to several 100's of MB's. Format varies between csv, json and xml.

I want to import these (using php, mapping fields and sanitizing data) into a mysql db. I need to do this several times a day. I'm currently doing this on a shared server and it isn't too bad, but I would like to move this operation away from that.

Tables could easily end up being several 100MB's in size.

Can anyone with experience tell me if I *need* more than a cheap VPS with 256MB ram (and enough disk space). Performance doesnt have to be blazing as this will be done with a cron job, Dealing with the datafiles themselves shouldn't use much memory (currently around 20MB peak usage), but not knowing too much about databases, will 256MB be enough to keep mysql performance reasonable?

If I can do this on a VPS rather than a dedi that would be good, for now. I'm not a baller and not looking to spend 10x the money on a dedi over vps. inb4 peasant spotted etc.