Using a Squidoo lens as a landing page

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New member
May 14, 2008
I need some help guys. I have no money for web hosting for a landing page and I have a product(s) that I wanna promote. I was thinking about just creating a Squidoo lens about the product and writing some articles linking to the page. Then maybe I can do some ppc with it later. What do ya'll think

your a retard

I won't do ppc untill later on. I figure that a keyword targeted lens and some article marketing should do me just fine for now. I have have a sort of long tail keyword that gets 85,000 results in google. The thing is that I won't be able to afford hosting until 2 weeks from now. I want to get started on something now I'm tired of just reading about shit.
I won't do ppc untill later on. I figure that a keyword targeted lens and some article marketing should do me just fine for now. I have have a sort of long tail keyword that gets 85,000 results in google. The thing is that I won't be able to afford hosting until 2 weeks from now. I want to get started on something now I'm tired of just reading about shit.

you can try to use reason here, but from now on you are the king retard of wickedfire.
you can try to use reason here, but from now on you are the king retard of wickedfire.

Hey! Take it easy he probably just got home from daycare and is a little tired and wasn't thinking straight. He'll be back with a clear head tomorrow morning. I'm sure his mom made him go to bed by now, don't you remember being 12 and having no money with a 8 o clock bed time?
lol. I love how Rough WF is. .... seriously.

You can always start with any of the great ideas on Earners Blog ... Like the Yahoo question idea, bum marketing ... a blogspot blog... lots of free things on this internet we have here.
Ok, I can understand not being able to do PPC. It can run into thousands REALLY quickly... but how can you not afford $3 per month for web hosting???

But as thesilly1 says, you can start with article/bum marketing stuff on a free blog or some crap, and hope to god for some conversions.
If you're going down that route, I would REALLY recommend that you look into niches that are VERY specific fields, and that you do some serious research into them.

Nicky: It's kinda like Digg & blogger rolled into one, but run by a giant omni-squid... or something... The British use it...
Might as well ride a bike with aluminum rims through compton while drive-by robbing old ladies bingo tickets with an uzi.

The point I'm trying to make is....ghetto. Oh snap.

P.S. - I'm sure it would work, but the method above would also.
If you seriously can't chell out $5 for hosting, then try using this wonderful tool I call "The Googles" to find free hosting. Yes, I know Google is a complicated tool and hard to use, but....

Anyways, I helped you out and found the perfect free host for you:

Free Web Hosting :: Optimized For Landing Page Hosting - $0 - COMPLETELY FREE!

That solves half of his problem ;). Now for the financing for PPC - grab a bucket, a santa costume and stand outside a fucking department store. Tell them christmas came early this year.
Why all the negativity? You can do what you will to do. You got alot of people in the 3rd world making high 4 figures using rounds of free ad vouchers and blogspot webpages. If you seriously don't have any money you have a BRAIN, grab some free vouchers, a blogspot and/or your squidoo lens. Then use the search function to find Jon's post on "how to get started" (something like that) and do exactly what he says (I did it...maybe 1 out of 100 n00bs actually read stuff on here then do it). Or better yet buy some cheap ass .info domains and do some direct linking.
Good luck.
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ps, oh if things are really, really, really bad, head over to BHW for some, er, discount software and tools, lol
Go promote this scam* site , it's $2 CPL and it converts good.

* not really scam, just false advertisement. they pay ought like clockwork ought.
Well I've come to a decision whereby I will just use the Bum Marketing Method and write a bunch of articles pointing them to my squidoo lens. I may even do Yahoo Answering. I figure since no one on here has seemed to yet try this method, I may give it a shot. Maybe I'll do a post about it if it works. Anyways, thanks for the motivation and See You At The TOP!!!

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