Using a .media tld for an actual, legit company


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Anyone have any opinions on using one of the new domain tlds for actual businesses? .media, etc?

Anyone know if using a .media domain screw you in the rankings? Or actually help if you are a media company?

Also worried it looks less legit and that it will confuse the older crowd.

I think nobody yet has own experience in this. But i mean - why not? If your site will be real white human useful project, - who could care of the domain extension?

And why not? The new domains are here, it time to use them. And if you have a name that will fit with this, go for it.
Most people expect:
1. Links via whatever (Twitter, email, etc)
2. To hear "WWW DOT SOMETHING DOT COM" as the address. Even if you don't say it, that's what the person hears. Especially older ones. So a .something-else TLD will just confuse more often than not. " didn't work!"

We'll need dullard education before the new TLDs stick.
There are very few sites that people will just remember off the top of their heads except gmail, Facebook and Twitter. And, maybe their own bank url. For the rest of the ones out there, they are just clicking on links they see on sites. So it won't really matter what the TLD extension happens to be.

As for what you asked, I like the .guru and .expert extension. Can you imagine owning, ''? Can you tell me that wouldn't be worth something even if just for the credibility.