Users Online

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Why would you hide the Users Online box of vBulletin?

I'm just curious. I like it better when it's not hidden, it's nice to see who is browsing.

I always like to see who is browsing... no reason to hide them IMO. Just give people the option if they want.
Max said:
Why would you hide the Users Online box of vBulletin?

I'm just curious. I like it better when it's not hidden, it's nice to see who is browsing.
I always use it to click myself and quickly navigate to my recent posts, to check for replies. I'm missing it as well
Max said:
Why would you hide the Users Online box of vBulletin?

I'm just curious. I like it better when it's not hidden, it's nice to see who is browsing.

I'm with Max, get it on the main page, much easier to quickly check if anyone is browsing. Unless you removed it due to performance issues ?
It's a pain in the ass.. because some people join specifically depending on how many people are active at any given time. I would rather let people just post and keep whomever is on my little secret. Sorry, maybe I'll bring it back at a later date.
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