User retargeting - how to fire a pixel prior to redirect?


Asshats for sale.
Oct 29, 2008
I'm implement user/ad retargeting on a campaign that is currently direct linking to an offer landing page. The challenge is, I can't place the re-targeting pixel directly on the merchant's landing page, so I need to figure out a way to set up a redirect on one of my own servers that will fire the pixel and roll users to the merchant LP with as little lag as possible.

Actually, to be more specific, there would be two redirects with a process that looks like this:

the user clicks on an ad
user hits my server and fires retargeting pixel
user is redirected to affiliate network for conversion tracking
aff network redirects to merchant landing page
conversion pixel fires when user completes desired action

This isn't as efficient as I would like and there's a lot of moving parts, but I'm not sure how else to fire the retargeting pixel prior to hitting the merchant LP.

Anyone have any ideas of how to best accomplish this?

What about loading the pixel in an iFrame on a page on your domain with an instant meta-refresh that takes them straight over to the offer page?
Try this:

<img src=""
onload="window.location.href=''" />

The onload event is triggered once loading of the image is completed. Replace the URL with the tracking URL or whatever.
thx, motivated... good idea. Testing with a combination of img onload and 1 sec meta-refresh (as a backup redirect). Seems to be working well.
Hmm... depends on what results you find acceptable. I guess this is getting nit-picky, but I would set the meta-refresh to something more like 3 seconds. Most requests for the pixel will beat the 1 second meta-refresh, but *far* more will make it there in less than 3 seconds. What's worse, a 3 second delay or a missed statistic?