use of passive domain assets

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New member
Aug 18, 2006
I'm ashamed to admit that I have 100+ domains "just sitting" - parked at
the registrar's page doing nothing for me.

Anyone have suggestions as to what I can do quickly to at least generate
the yearly renewal fee? I am not a coder, or designer, but have played around with XsitePro2 a bit and feel comfortable enough that I can crank out some basic pages, if that's what I need to do.


I'd prefer something that does not involve 100s of hrs of work, and if anyone is interested in helping me develop some basic revenue generating sites I'd gladly share the revenue. (I've got some decent domains).

(ps) I'm not asking for the holy grail, just ideas for a newbie.. I READ the forum so I have some
basic understanding of the possibilities, I lack experience in implementation.

You could look into
They make it easy to set up mini sites with ads and content.
Costs around $100, some people say its worth it.
You don't need a WP install for each one if you don't want to develop individual websites. I have no idea if your 100+ sites are related or are nearly related to the same topic, but one thing you can do is identify an affiliate program that you like, and enter a 301 redirect in the domain record for each domain using your complete affiliate link. No website necessary.
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