Use and Abuse me. Please. Almost ANY project accepted!

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New member
May 10, 2009
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Howdy Folks.

Here's the deal.. Due to some recent developments in my personal life, I need some quick loot.. The goal is $300 in the next 3 days. Whether this is goal is realized or not, I need to give it a shot.

A bit of background: I'm a 25 year old english speaking fella (native. born and raised in the USA). Recently resigned a position as a Senior Loan Officer/Underwriter for financial institutions in North America (primarily credit unions, a handful of banks as well - We serviced 400~ clients). Father, Husband, aspiring entrepreneur, etc.

I'm not offering any *particular* service here - I don't know exactly what you might be in the market for. So hit me up. Let's discuss options. Make me an offer, I'll probably accept it (within reason of course).

I'm pretty confident in my abilities to write articles on whatever topic you may be interested in.. I'm no expert.. you may need to do some minor editing, you may not..

I have some pretty decent experience with programming as well. PHP, HTML, CSS edits (I don't do Design, but I can probably help resolve formatting issues in most cases), javascript, VB, python.. Etc. I'm more of a hack and slash coder, but I've never really come across an issue I couldn't find a solution to.

I'm comfortable with server work as well.. Linux is strongly preferred, but a windows installation is not an issue. Apache/Lighttpd experience.. mysql database experience..

I can do manual backlinking or account creation as well I suppose.. Manual Social bookmarking and such.. Might be able to work out some (minor) automated backlinking as well.. Research.. SEO Analysis.. Whatever.

Moral of the story: If you've got work that needs to be done, hit me up via PM and let's see if we can work something out. I'm available 14hrs a day (give or take) for work.

As I do not have any credibility here, I am willing to give 5 free review copies for SMALL projects - Think 30minute project times - to members with over 100 posts. I'm not trying to spend the next three days working for reviews.. I'll lose my residence. Literally.

I just ask that those on the receiving end of the review copies return to this thread and post an honest review of my services.

Only able to accept payments via PayPal at the moment.. Donations also gladly accepted :food-smiley-010:


I forgot to mention in the initial post - today is my 3 yr old's birthday party - I will be busy for the next 5hours or so (until 6pm, CST), but will be available for about 10hours after that - Any work that comes in between now and then will be started on a first come first serve basis.

Sorry I forgot to mention that initially.
I'll do a review of some manual backlinking, high pr commenting if you do it. Tell me what info you need.

Wtf is this response? This guy is looking for paid work (with no specific offer to have criticized/hailed) and you come in here wanting him to slave away doing manual linking for free? Uncalled for review copy requests have gotten out of hand.

This is a problem on this forum.
Wtf is this response? This guy is looking for paid work (with no specific offer to have criticized/hailed) and you come in here wanting him to slave away doing manual linking for free? Uncalled for review copy requests have gotten out of hand.

This is a problem on this forum.
Read with comprehension fella....

"As I do not have any credibility here, I am willing to give 5 free review copies for SMALL projects - Think 30minute project times - to members with over 100 posts. I'm not trying to spend the next three days working for reviews.."

Mind your business dope, I spend a gang of money on here and I just got burned for a "paid review" from an unknown this past week. Stuff it.
Your lack of comprehension skills and ability to mind your own business is the problem in this situation.
No worries fellas - I am giving some free reviews to help bolster some credibility.. While I *do* need money (like whoa.), I doubt many people will jump on paying me to do something for them, if I have nothing to back it up with.

Seriously though folks - No project to small! I'll do bitch work if needed - I got bills to pay and people to feed. 'nuff said.

Off to prep the party stuff.. back at 6pm CST!
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