US to issue travel warning to Americans in Europe

ii silver ii

Dec 18, 2008
I don't know if this has much coverage in America at the moment but it seems Al Qaeda are looking to target European cities with 'commando style' attacks such as those seen in Mumbai.

BBC News - US will issue travel warning for Americans in Europe

The advisory will be issued in response to intelligence on an al-Qaeda plan to assemble teams of gunmen and send them into crowded places to kill western civilians, similar to the 2008 attacks in Mumbai.

I'm in London quite a bit and it's pretty worrying having articles like that, with America issuing warnings you know it's got to be pretty serious and the Eiffel Tower was evacuated twice in the last month ...

Do you think these attacks are preventable or inevitable in time?

and remember guns are illegal in the uk so if someone goes crazy it's not a matter of shoot them back...


News like that is just a way to spread terror and have the right to shoot to anyone that looks suspicious...
IF this was to happen, I would expect it wouldn't happen in Spain or England, as they have both been bombed. I would expect to see Germany go next.
You can't beat terrorists. There will always be terrorists and people willing to help their cause as long as we stay in the middle east and I doubt they will stop once we leave either. All this war did was piss off a bunch of muslims and we only made more enemies. Now anyone will be eager to take a gun and go looking for westerners to kill.

To be honest im really surprised that there hasn't been that many terrorist attacks in western countries since the war. I think they are gonna try and organize something big or they are trying to get as many people across the boarders. Then all hells gonna break loose.
Never got why they were called terrorist. Blowing up innocent men, women, children. Seems like a more apt label would be cowardist.
News like that is just a way to spread terror and have the right to shoot to anyone that looks suspicious...
At least somebody can see through this bullshit. Scared people will give up their freedoms. Checkpoints, metal scanners, naked scanners will be OK for them, then warrantless searches, then God knows what.

If they wanted they would destroy Al Qaeda in a week. Russians once killed one terrorist chief with a missile from a high flying aircraft after he just answered his cell phone.

They allowed Osama's relatives to fly out of USA on 9/11 when no american was allowed to fly. Why not to take them hostages and bargain instead or something? They are all tied to each other up there. And just control masses of people with a simple scare tactic.
London's been bombed so many times before - both by the Germans during the Blitz and more recently by the IRA (check where a lot of their funding came from, thanks guys) that this 'terror warning' has barely made the news here. When I told my friends today they just said "oh, big deal' as we walked through Central London.
At least somebody can see through this bullshit. Scared people will give up their freedoms. Checkpoints, metal scanners, naked scanners will be OK for them, then warrantless searches, then God knows what.

this. security or freedom? It's all about finding the perfect balance.

Unfortunately, these rather unpleasant events have made some privacy-destroying laws possible that would've been unthinkable a few years ago.