US Debt - Great Youtube Video


New member
May 8, 2009
[ame=]‪Keiser Report: Ghettofication of America (E168)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Whole time that I spent watching this I kept being bothered by the fact that they don't seem to be in the same room.
The video is too long :) Sorry I didn't finish watching the video but it was great!

it is a long video.....but I found it very informative. I fear a bunch of americans are going to flood Canada when shit gets bad. God knows we have space
Are those numbers on the cost of prisons correct? The prison biz has been discussed here before. Didn't know it was bigger than Medicare.
Must watch video

Do you guys agree with this video...I know its long but its worth the watch.
Honestly, US gov has got no tools to fix this ... they cannot pay their debt because of the wrong economy. Shall I remind you guys there will be a BIGGER Wordwide financial crisis within a year.
Lots of this video is bs and appeals to the voters / poor

Third party leaning voters? And how many poor people pay attention to financial analysis from Russia Today?

Are those numbers on the cost of prisons correct? The prison biz has been discussed here before. Didn't know it was bigger than Medicare.

$600 billion is the figure given by a recent article at The real total is closer to $60 billion, so it appears they added an extra zero. Oops, LOL

I suppose it's possible that they are adding in the total costs of law enforcement, judges, lawyers and whatever else.