US Court Claims Iranian 911 Link


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Very timely judgement:

[ame=]US court claims Iranian 9/11 link - YouTube[/ame]

Of course Iran was involved with 9/11 what a fucking joke. Anything to manipulate the american sheeple into another war
Why do they even bother manipulating the American sheep anymore? It's not like anyone is going to do anything about it. We could nuke Canada and 90% of people would go on about their daily lives like nothing happened and look at you funny if you raised an objection.

Holy shit, this is so fucking true. Please don't nuke me bro.
^^ The year is almost over and we have Christmas, and Hanukkah from the 20th to the 28th, which wouldn't be the best time to gain support from the troops or the public for a ground invasion.

The US built up a large number of ground forces along the Iraq border over a month or so before that invasion, so if something similar was going down soon I assume there would already be noticeable operations going on. Also, before a ground invasion there would first be a major amount of attacks from the air.
inb4 weapons of mass destruction.

i'm no muslim but i've been to iran and they were some of the nicest people i've met.
I love Coca-Cola, jeans and Baywatch and America.
:2gunsfiring_v1: You forgot guns & Jesus :batman: . Cant be American without excessive firearms and religion that forbids anyone to use them except when some talks shit about AMERICA.
Well it all makes sense now... They were getting the troops and equipment out of iraq because when the attack begins it would make the bases and troops an easy target for irans missiles and chemical agents. Now that the US has a clean slate it can attack from air and relaunch an invasion into Iran! Makes perfect sense... I think I may have just outed their plasakghalkdfjjjjjjasdfasdfadsjkhbbbbbbbbbbbasjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdf
The US built up a large number of ground forces along the Iraq border over a month or so before that invasion, so if something similar was going down soon I assume there would already be noticeable operations going on.

You are aware that Iran shares a border with Afghanistan, right?

Where there is currently... 90,000+ US soldiers stationed.
Flag removed from Iraq heading to Iran. Good job America. Keep doing it and don't stop till you get hold of every natural source of this world.
Have some people absolutely NO shame at all?? I happen to be one that does NOT like Iran very much and definitely does NOT see them as an innocent party in world problems and much of their own mess right now.

However... 9/11????? Really?! What's next?? Are we going to have someone watch Time Cop one too many times and start accusing Iran of killing JFK by time machine too? Unless we see REAL GOOD evidence,